This is a picture I got for the Brawling for Recon contest. It is my best picture I submitted. It may look staged, but its not, I got it during Mythic Brawl. : Halo 3 File Details Halo screenshots wont let me do this screenshot or whatever. It doesnt show up. Sorry if thats bad. :embarassed: Hope you guys like it! Also, it is in a Youtube Mythic Brawl screenshot montage(Not by me). [media][/media] Its at 2:27
That's really cool, looks like james bond making off with a secret plans or something. I like the way the avatar looks as though he is holding on. Awsome
Thanks for the compliment! I was EXTREMELY lucky to catch this. I was running toward a wraith, it shot, and as soon as i grab on a warthog exploded from the Wraiths shot and went flying behind me. Thus, this picture was born.