Me and my Team, Strafeless Muffins (really gay name that was created by my friend) is now officially 11 - 0 and seated 45th on the Gamebattles ladder out of about 5.5 thousand Teams. If anyone knows where we can find an online sponsor, please PM me. Thanks. Please don't hate, and any 'Congratulations' will be appreciated.
That's a pretty nice stat you've got there. It's nice to know we have some users on FH who can more than hold their own in proper competition, and 45th is a damn good rank, props to you guys for that. Have you played against any teams you're particularly proud of nailing? You should consider posting some vids of your favourite GB games up here if you have a way of capturing vids or know someone who can, I'm always down for watching some good games and like to study successful games and learn from them. All 4 players' perspectives are favourite so the whole game and the teamwork involved can be seen best, but a good solid single perspective never does any harm either. BTW, if you know any, ahem, less high ranked teams that are looking for a fourth and you think are worth looking at for a player who's keen by maybe not so beast then please let me know. I have no illusions of being a one man army, my BR is damn fine when I'm on but I have consistency issues that I'm keen to work on. I also think of myself as a good team player, willing to fit into any role if need be, but I'm most comfortable in a support role, I'm all about the communication and am pretty selfless if it means my team gets the upper hand. But yeah, I have trouble finding three other guys to team with, and whilst I'm not of the mind that we'd dominate by any means, I'm just keen to get my foot in on the 4v4 scene and start improving in that sense, so yeah, let me know if you're aware of a team that you think would like to consider picking me up. Here are my answers to your Halo Speed Quiz if this helps give a better idea of what kind of player I am. Top 5 gametypes would be (all MLG team of course): 1. CTF on Pit, 2. KotH on Construct, 3. Slayer on Pit, 4. Slayer on Construct, 5. Ball on Guardian.
You should consider posting some vids of your favourite GB games up here if you have a way of capturing vids or know someone who can, I'm always down for watching some good games and like to study successful games and learn from them. All 4 players' perspectives are favourite so the whole game and the teamwork involved can be seen best, but a good solid single perspective never does any harm either. This actually may be a good idea Bunny. Though the 4 player perspectives thing would be hard to do we could at least get some games from your PoV. Plus you will probably be much more exciting to watch then Wyso1 or Dhellman
I actually have 1 PoV captured by AmercanPsycho of a 1v1 I did. But that is a good suggestion. I will try to cap more GB matches as they come along. And here is the link to the 1v1, and sorry for my excessive commentary, I know it gets annoying.
the 1v1 was nice even with your somewhat over-talkative commentary. That UEG kid sucked baaad though and that with your good gameplay made for an easy 15-0. Oh well Octagon 1v1s are where its at, u know that yaro
**** the Octagon, its soooo gay. Who ever has host, can win so much easier. And you know how bad my connection is, when I get spawn trapped I just stay black screan for about 6 sec.
you are still never gonna live that down son. But yes you do have a terribad connection and i ALWAYS pull host when we 1v1.
Its K DoTTii. In the Octagon you may be better, but in a real man's 1v1, your not bad, your just not better then me.