I personally like the rocket launcher because... 1. Doesn't make you go slower 2. Shoots faster 3. I'm better at it ;P What about you?
missile pod requires more skill, and is "better" for some because it has a faster fire rate, and is a one hit kill, and is somewhat the rocket launcher from Halo 2 because of the lock on. I like the rocket launcher because it has a larger kill radius, and i can actually move somewhere in a non rediculous amount of time. It is also the "noob gun" according to some. Missile pod is for anti air and anti warthog in my opinion, and should be used as such. rocket launcher is anti personell, and anti ground vehicle.
I personally [refer the Missle Pod because -Doesn't take up a weapon slot -1 hit, 1 kill -No reload -8 vs 4 missles -And the Lock on It is great for corridors where you could just shoot 2 and most likely get the kill, but then the rocket is better because you worry about missing too much as long as you hit the ground.
Also, everyone goes for rockets and if you shoot a rocket from a rocket launcher and die after shooting it, the rocket disappears.
I know this isn't the question. But screw the H3 rocket launcher, I miss the good ol' fashion lockin on Halo 2 rocket launcher. This made the launcher have a bit of a choice... do I shoot two at that bloody banshee, or at this guy runnin' up to me.... Ignoring fond memories, I prefer the missile pod, because it's good for an anti-vehicle weapon. Which is handy in the matches with little children who can't score a kill without using the warthog, and usually only get a few then.
Rockets Pros Not as slow, but still makes you go slower than normal Has a melee Can pick up ammo Cons Can't carry as much ammo as missle pod No lock on Not always an instant kill Not "so" accurate, can be knocked away Missle Pod Pros Powerful, usually instant kill on normal walking infantry Lock on Accurate, if hit off course, it will still go towards designated target Rapid fire rockets, can carry 8 Cons OOBER slow No reload, can't pick up more ammo Myself, I prefer the rockets. They are more maneuverable, and are much better fit in a tight situation.
1. rockets are way better than missile pods. The are more accurate, faster, and they are freakin spunkrs! 2. The missile pods are better for taking down those pesky vehicles. And sometimes, clearing out those tricky areas. =)
Yeah, but as I explained when missles get knocked away, they will still follow their designated target.
Fun Fact: Missile pods can track other people carrying Turrets or Missile Pods or You lock onto a stationary turret then when they break it off you can keep tracking them... I don't know which one is correct but, I know you can track stationary turrets. And IMO I like rockets better because I don't ever recall 'owning' someone with a Missile pod unless they were in a vehicle.
I think missile pod is better because, in my opinion, those rocket based weapons should be used just for the biggest prey such as vehicles. The Missile Launcher is much better at this because it locks on. There is a rare case when i prefer to have a rocket launcher, but only when someone is trying to splatter me. I also like the Missile Launcher because I only use it for a second, waste all it's rounds on one dominating vehicle then drop it and go, the rocket launcher doesn't work for this because it takes up a weapon slot.
Meh I dislike both. Although the rocket lawnchair is certainly the weapon to get during competitive matchmaking i believe its slow reload kills me more often than its rockets kill others. The missile pod is too slow and doesnt lock on perfectly unless you tweak your aim a bit which is something i often dont have time to do in the heat of combat. Still i believe Rocket Lawnchar > Missile pod But... | | Spartan Laser FTW!
I like taking the rocket launcher and wasting the ammo to annoy teh noobz. I prefer actually using the missle pod because it looks cooler when you stand on a warthog going fast. Not to mention the vehicle accuracy.
Given a choice, I'll only take the missile pod if a vehicle is dominating, because the Rocket Launcher is sooo cool. Which feels better, owning n00bs with a missile pod, or actually hitting a banshee with a rocket launcher??? The second one, for me. Rocket Launcher = more reliable with the possibility for awesome kills.
The only similarities I see when it comes to Rockets and Missile Pods are they both shoot exploding rounds, other than that in a combat situation, the Missile Pod is anti-vehicle that rarely gets a kill on infantry, and the Rocket Launcher is a rounded anti-everything weapon that can be used in almost any situation as long as you can hit your target, so effective especially against infantry because their lack of speed.
The rockets and missiles travel the same speeds (roughly) but the missile pod is able to pump out more shots faster than the rocket launcher, which is what I assume he meant. I prefer the rocket launcher. Missile pods are alright, but you're a sitting duck when using one.