Bungie.net link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details VULCAN'S FORGE ooh, spicy! Alright, this is a fairly interesting map (in my own humble opinion). It is on the ground level of Sandbox. There are two bases on either side of the center, and two smaller outposts out on the sand. The center is dominated by a large, rather intimidating structure with four kill balls in it (the "Forge" that is referred to in the name). Every 30 seconds, fusion coils spawn inside the kill balls and these will explode anything nearby. I also threw a bunch of vehicles in there for cool sound effects and so more debris flies out. It is designed for symmetrical games and free for all games (KOTH in particular), although One Bomb is possible. VIP and Juggernaut may not work to well if you have the destinations turned on, as some of the goals were missing and I have a suspicion that the may be hiding under some scenery that I would rather not delete (B{). Also, in case your wondering about/criticizing the fact that this map uses pretty no interlocking and merging and in general looks pretty much slapped together, that's more or less true. However, for a map like this, does it really matter too much? Cheers. EDIT: I forgot, but you can also stand on top of the forge. That's where the grav. hammer and flamethrower are, as well as 2 bubble shields. I may need to put more weapons on top to encourage movement towards the forge. Anyways, I wanted a KOTH map where you couldn't just sit in the hill and assassinate people when the came. There are no hiding spots on the central hill (which is the ENTIRE forge), and although there are little spots you can slip into right next to the kill ball, the fusion coils will kill you. Weapons on map: 6 Battle Rifles 2 Sniper Rifles 2 Shotguns 4 SMGs 4 Spikers 2 Plasma Pistols 2 Rocket Launchers 2 Carbines 2 Sentinel Beams 1 Gravity Hammer 1 Flamethrower EDIT: Both of the main bases have a turret 8+ Fragmentation grenades (not too sure) 8+ Plasma grenades (not too sure) 4 Spike grenades Vehicles 4 Mongooses (2 per base) 4 Warthogs (2 per base) a bunch of other vehicles that I threw into the kill balls to make them explode SCREENSHOTS OH GOD YES. Why you shouldn't get exploded. A side view. Back view or blue base. Back view of red base. Warning: Death may occur when fusion coils explode in your general vicinity. Opposite side view. Sorry, I didn't get an overview shot. I'll probably need to do some balancing, but I haven't even played on this map yet. If you ever find the time to play it, please give some feedback on weapon/vehicle placement, as well as any other problems/suggestions. Build time: 3 hours
inerestin map, pretty good designs with the bases, but for the rest, its not that pleasing to me, srry, like you said, its pretty much just slopped down. there not alot of cover when your on the outer rim of the center structure. well with some timing and thinking i think that you can make a pretty good map. good job though.
the lack of cover is to encourage you to move closer to the structure, but since the structure explodes every 30 seconds and in general is a bit of a death trap, it encourages you to keep moving and to not camp.
I actually find this map interesting. The centre piece is very intersting, and almost looks like a still. The explosion theme is nice, because it forces you to kinda keep moving, and stay even more alert, and use cover as best as possible. There are a couple of things that I would have changed, but all in all not too bad. 4/5, I will dl this, because I want to try using this concept for a map.
Great idea. That's something I would include in one of my maps. I really like the kinda unorganized fell the center has and the explosions are just original. I also like the blocks in the hills.
I can definately understnd what you were trying to do with the centerpiece, but wouldn't it become annoying during KOTH when you are trying to capture the central hill, and you suddenly die because of the explosion? Maybe you could add some cover near the center, even though i know you were trying to avoid that, i think it would help with surviving the explosion. Also, the bases look simple and the whole thing looks kinda thrown together. If you were to make a v2 i would download, mainly because the idea is quite awesome, and the map's layout looks different and fun.
The explosions will only kill you if your standing right by the entrance to the forge. For that matter, the explosions are more for aesthetics rather than gameplay. If you download the map you will see what I mean. Also, you can actually stand on top of the forge (a point i should have pointed out in the original post. sorry.). When standing on top of the forge, you will not be effected by the explosions. However, it is rather difficult to stay on top of the forge when you have people shooting you, and the risk that you may fall into the killballs further discourages you to stand there. However, I put both the gravity hammer on flamethrower up there, so it more or less forces the player up there if they need power weapons. This is where testing comes in, because I have the feeling that there are not enough weapons concentrated around the forge. If there aren't any weapons, then nobody will come to the center.