Sandbox Chop n' Drop

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by siberian w0lf, May 11, 2009.

  1. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Do you know the crushing power a chopper has while boosting. It'll take out almost every vehicle in the game with a head on collision. I love choppers, and the thought of a map behind them is what inspired this map.

    The map, which is on the ground floor of sandbox, features two structures (I suppose you could call them bases. They weren't desinged that way, but that's almost how they function) four chopper garages in each corner of the map, two sniper towers, and a central piece. The map supports 4-14 players, with FFA, slayer, KoTH, CTF, ans assault gametypes. Although the map is not symmetrical, it is balanced in every aspect.
    It took about 15 hours to make (10 for actual building, and 5 or so for testing and polish. I poured a lot of heart and hard work into this map, so I hope you all enjoy it!

    Weapons list
    Fuel rod (90 seconds)
    Brute shot x2 (60 sec.)
    BR x4 (default)
    Needler x2 (default)
    Sniper x2 (120 sec.)
    SMG x4 (default)
    Sentinal beam x2 (default)

    Stickies x8 (default)
    Bubble shield x2 (default)

    Warthog gauss x2 (max spawn time)
    Chopper x4 (120 sec)



    Blue structure: This is where half of the Sentinal beams, smgs, brute shots, and bubble shields spawn. One of the sniper towers and the chopper garage can be seen here.

    Middle structure: Atop this structure is where the fuel rod sits. You can hide underneath from the passing choppers.

    Warthog spawn: This is where on of the warthogs spawn, with the other directly opposite to it (past the middle structure) As you can see, there's plenty of cover and interesting structures.

    Red structure: Lots of places to hide in this base. Although it it somewhat of a contrast to the other base, it's still very possible to breakthough.


    A close call

    Giving wingless choppers the ability to fly

    Double kill


    An epic explosion

    The sniper gets sniped

    The power of the chopper

    Aireal assault to snag the win

    DOWNLOAD: : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 siberian w0lf, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  2. tehuberleetist

    tehuberleetist Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty good. I'm not a fan of choppers so im biased, LOL. Anyway, it looks like the vehicles can maneuver well. The one problem i see is that the gauss hogs can park on the hill and kill everyone. I also see a fule rod gun. Fule rod guns are amazing. Good job for putting that in! LOL
  3. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, there was a little camping in the gauss in the test matches, but I'm sure that I put enough ways to deal with it as well as a good amount of cover. Maybe I'll adjust them for a V2.
    #3 siberian w0lf, May 12, 2009
    Last edited: May 12, 2009

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