Despite the new objects going to be placed in the new maps, will Avalanche actually be good in the Forge?
Probably not. You can't really make good forge maps on big levels. How many awesome creations are there on Sandtrap, Valhalla, and Standoff? Not many.
Zombies with tanks. That's kinda like forging, right? All of the vehicles are inviting to people wanting to change the flow of the map in the big U.
It might (no wait will) be hard to Forge on it since the outide has an uneven landscape. Foundry just has a good ol' flat floor.
I think it will be the best to forge on because of the size of blackout and Ghost Town seems like it is a complete map. It is an aesthetic beauty, and I can't see much use to it. Although Avalanche is outside on uneven surfaces, it is so open that there should be open spaces to create structures. I don't agree to the poster that said big maps don't forge well because Last Resort, Sandtrap, and Valhalla were the most forged on pre-Heroic map pack. Also, you have to take in account the new objects we will be given. This is just my gut, but either way, this map pack is a gameplay wonder (hopefully).
they said it was going to be a fun sandbox map didnt they? and you should be able to easily block off all entrances to bases and make it a great total vehicular combat map.. or snipers!!
it will only be good (imo) if they give us lots of new objects that fit in with the landscape because having a random crate lying in the middle of a snowfield just looks out of place
yes i agree it will be playable just like sandtrap and sandtrap to me is not great at all its like bungie got lazy so they just made a snad box and threw in a few buildings
I wouldn't know until I try it. I'm hoping that the next map pack would have a larger forging space like Foundry.
yea they could set it in an old forerunner structure, because those always seem to have large open rooms and relatively high ceilings
You know on the campain level The Covenant, i want one of those big Foreunner structures that you have to press te button in! They would be awesome to have 1 sided flag or assault.
i think it will be good cause the floors in the bases are flat and if they keep the boxes u could make some fun things. then if they make super massive objects u could make a big structure outside in the air so its flat.
yea but i would take out the massive lift (duhhh) and recreate the objects so they fit in the environment
if they give you a palate of ofbjects that is equal to that of Foundry, then you could definitely make something excellent with the outdoor setting ... imagine making foundry style levels, but outdoors with trees and such in the centre of your level?
There will always be nice nooks and crannies in these maps, I mean look at what the Mario Tower map by Azn FTW and Cottage did to Valhalla. I didn't even know that was possible when I first saw the map. With all the forge tips and tricks I think we should be able to make something for this map. If not we always have Infection, .
booooooooo!! Infection is a complete cop-out for n00bs. I loathe its existence on these forums ... granted its fun sometimes, but the whole "i r made an infecktion mapp ... itz teh 13370RZ ... zombeez start wif swordz and r covenent and humanz ar teh humanz wif rocets and hammaz and splazerz" is annoying.
the mosts should be a little better then most to forge, because of the new objects that will be presented