K so i have two questions. 1st: When I play Halo 3, I have to be connected to the internet to play DLC maps. When I play Halo 2, they r always there, and there is no waiting time to have them show up. Do I always have to be connected to get the maps available to play, or is there another way? 2nd: Say your a 50 in Lone Wolves, and your highest skill is 50. If you rank down to a 49, does your highest skill stay the same?
i also have some questions, 1. why is the level 39-40 jump so hard? 2. do you think the loading time will be longer with the new-new maps? 3. why are so many people's main colors either white or steel?
1. I didn't have any problems. Perhaps you've maxed base on your skill. I'm stuck at 42. 2. Probably not. Can't answer for sure. 3. Because white and steel are awesome.
How old is your xbox 360, I've noticed my friends xbox (built nov 2007) doesn't have the same loading issues as my system (launch xbox). And he is able to play them offline, while I am not.
i got mine christmas 06, and i recalled hearing back a long time ago in one of their videos that they had to optimize it so that it didn't have to b played with a hard drive, i also need live to play my downloaded songs on gh3
The DLC thing sometimes happens to me to, but then i just go to the dashboard, then back, sign off my second controller, and they're back.. At least that works for me most the time... Also, do you know when after you've started playing halo that day, it will start loading all your ''Saved Data Files'' or something like that... That is what probably is causing the maps not to appear, for some reason. I have trouble with it too...
no thats not it E93, it just takes time to load them and i need to b logged in, and my saved data also loads maybe a minute into log in on halo and i need to b online for that too
I can play the maps offline just fine, but it takes a minute for the maps to appear (like I'll go to select the map and they won't be there, then I close the map list, open it back up and it says loading custom content and then they are there)
huh... that's weird have you tried talking to bungie or something? they ought to know how to fix it.... i think
I can't say that I've had any problems with loading the DLC maps while offline. Maybe it has something to do with your HDD.