Fy_Buzzkill, a Counter-Strike spiritual successor with a unique style of play Hot death in a variety of flavors! Playing on this map with 12 or more people would be like...fighting an epic battle in the Baskin Robbins of destruction and mayhem, Halo style. Who doesn't want that? Overlook: Weapon Layout: Lower Passage: Top View: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Sorry guys, due to storage issues I only have a few screens and a link to the Map. No room for the gametype in my file share. For those of you who don't already know, this is a remake of Fy_Buzzkill with a couple of twists. The top level of the bases can be reached from the ends of the lower passage and from the raised area near the center of the map. You can also drop down to the lower passage from the elevated walkway between the bases. There's a gap between the walkway and the wall. Here are the gametype basics for a genuine Halo experience of the Buzzkill arena: Shields and grav: normal (50% grav for a guaranteed good time) Starting weapon: magnum Starting grenades: frags only Radar: friendlies only Lives per round: 1 (recommended, as weapons don't respawn) Number of rounds: however many you wish Notes about the map itself: Nothing respawns, which is why 1 life rounds are crucial for this map to play properly as-is. I have only placed starting spawn points in each "base" under the Team Slayer gametype. No other gametype's spawns or objective points have been used and can be found floating in the upper portion of the crypt. There are 30 some additional respawn points floating up there too, knock yourselves out if you want to set this up for other gametypes...just remember nothing is set to respawn if you want to play extended matches. Every weapon you could possibly ask for is placed in front of the starting spawns x2. You has options. There are a couple of extra battle rifles near the spawns. There are plasma grenades under or near the pallets. There is a flamethrower in the middle of the isolated tower (since there can only be one). I also added a couple of obstacles near the tower to fill an otherwise empty space. There is one big difference between the way this map plays compared to the Counter-Strike version, and that's the agility factor. You can maneuver all over between the upper and lower levels of the bases if you're even just a little bit of a ninja. I think it will give the map a nice Halo touch, instead of gluing the players to the ground like Counter-Strike does. But one way in which I do want this map to play like C-S, is obviously the 1 life per round setting. This makes the game much more strategic. I suggest that players choose their weapons wisely at the start of the match. Let me know what you guys think. Cheers!
Halo isn't CounterStrike, you can make a map look the same, but in Halo you can't have a huge pile of weapons at the start, even though in counter-strike it wasn't a pile of weapons either, you bought them....
The map itself looks awesome. The way you used the corners to make the floor design is pretty sweet. But I dont think I grasped the idea of the armory? Not sure everyone will love all the weapons clammed together like that. Sorry if I missed why they're all like that.
Well, in Fy (FightYard) maps in Counter-Strike...instead of making players run through the Buy Menu to purchase their gear with max money at the start of the match...all of the weapons are laid out in front of the players. That way all you have to do is find the weapon you want...and if it's not there find an adequate substitute and get your fight on without further delay. That also answers Pib's question (well, it was sort of a question). The weapon layout is so the players have an illusion of choice of weaponry, basically. And that's the only way to do it Halo style. That's also the same reason why I'm not so eager to make remakes of certain classic style Counter-Strike maps, because one would have to do a similar weapon layout for the illusion of weapon choice. Unless you made it a strictly AR, BR, Mag, SMG, and Sniper map...to give it that militaristic feel. But for me that would ruin the whole reason I want to combine the Halo and Counter-Strike experience. Fast action, lots of hot death dealt by any and every weapon the game has to offer. Not just because I want a perfect replica of C-S. I'll go play C-S if I want it to truly be C-S. I just think that the concept of Fy maps will transition quite well into the Halo universe, and now Bungie has given me the tools to do just that. I think this map and the other Fy maps to come are going to be a totally different gaming experience for those who aren't familiar with the fun stuff that C-S type gameplay has to offer. Here's a screen from another fine Fy map, Fy_Snow: That's what I'm trying to emulate with Fy_Buzzkill, unfortunately there aren't any decent screens of that map to throw up here. Maps to come: Fy_Snow Fy_Pool_Day Fy_Mindmaze Playground_X Fy_Dustworld and who knows...that's a pretty good start to a list. I'll keep you C-S lovers out there (I know I'm not alone) updated.
I think the map is well done. Looks cleanly forged and put together well. As for the weapon layout... remove all those weapons. Just give everyone BR's and magnums to start with and place some sniper rifles in common sniper areas and maybe one power weapon that everyone will fight over. I actually just did kind of a remake of DE_Train in the crypt to try to save on the item limit. Unfortunately the crypt is not wide enough and the item limit isn't high enough, so I had to reduce the total number of tracks there were and could only put two train cargo cars. I also had to make sure that the walls were high enough so that people couldn't jump on the top of buildings at 100% gravity. One friend played CS a lot in college and said that my map definitely resembled DE_Train. It's not an exact replica, but I had to add a Halo3 twist to a CS map.
Yeah, the crypt would be a tad small for De_Train but I would like to check that map out, as I'm sure you've done it justice. And what you suggested with Buzzkill and did with Train is what I'm going to do with Dust on the middle level. Well, sorta...AR and mag starts with grenades, shotties, BR's, SMG's, and snipers placed on the map. Because that's really the only way to do it on a large scale map, like you said. That is, if you wanna do the realistic C-S type of map and gameplay and use soleley realistic military weapons. Might even remake Mindmaze like that. We'll see. Kinda bummed nobody likes the smorgasbord of weapons though...I mean I thought that truly captured the heart and soul of the FightYard experience. Hot death in a variety of flavors! Playing on this map with 12 or more people would be like...fighting an epic battle in the Baskin Robbins of destruction and mayhem, Halo style. Who doesn't want that? Every weapon, at your disposal right in front of you. Times two. One life. Make your choice wisely or you'll be watching your friends finish the battle. Meh I'm just gonna go play C-S. One day this will catch on. One day.
BR/Magnum combo would closely resemble the average of what players would select and be an even playing field. BR is a fairly powerful weapon and still allows the ability to aim, which most CS players are accustomed to. While I see your reasoning for the cache of weapons to simulate CS, it doesn't translate very well to the world of Halo 3. I was planning on working on DE_Dust ( the original ) as well. I also toyed with the thought of building it on the middle level. I looked at the map and the middle level of Sandbox and it doesn't look like Dust will fit in the grid. It will require a lot of geomerging with the sandhills in order for it to work. I personally am not willing to invest that much time geomerging 25% of a map with a sandhill. The crypt may be just a little too small, too. The skybubble may be the only area large enough for that map, but will also require many more pieces to build. As for my H3_Trainyard map, it's been in my fileshare for a bit so my friends can test it out and get back to me. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details I'm very happy with 2/3rds of the map. The 1/3rd of the map is the area with the two kill bals, which I had to use to block off a large corner. It was the least expensive way to do it and still be able to get some kind of map resembling DE_Train together.
One quick question though: have you tested the map with 6 or more players to see how said weapon selection translates into the Halo world? Because all I see are infection games in your recent custom game history. And my map isn't made for infection, so that leaves me to assume that you have not tested my map before saying it's not going to translate very well. Seriously, dude. What's up with that? You trippin' balls or what? If my thread consisted of a couple of screenshots of floating spawn points hovering above a bunch of exploding fusion coils and deathballs flying back and forth via mancannons...then maybe, maybe you could judge that map before you played it. But not this map. I appreciate feedback, but can we please make sure it's valid feedback? Here's the deal: unless I can see for myself that someone has played my map, the only thing I'm interested in hearing feedback on are the aesthetics. You can't judge a concept without trying it unless it's truly ridiculous. That's what you call leaving respectful feedback, because let's face it...nobody wants people judging their work before actually trying it, unless of course that judgement comes in the utmost praise and no changes are recommended. Haha, now nobody's going to download this map unless they're a die hard C-S fan. Oh wait, what's changed?