I wanted to share this game with all of forgehub. This thread can also be served for everybody else to post more awesome games. Official Halo Wars Community Site
I agree, that would have been cool. As for awesome games, I don't play Halo Wars as much as I thought I would.
Let's post rush tactics! I like scorpion, hornet and grenadier hog combo rushes. Really gets on your enemies' **** and if you don't wipe them out in one wave you still do some serious damage.
SUICIDE GRUNTS RUSHING FTW!!! Actually, no. I hate playing as covenant, except for standards sometimes when I get bored, but I'll generally always play as Cpt. Forge, because of his ODST, best unit bar none. Just wondering, in deathmatch, does anyone only use 1 unit the whole game? I never do, because it makes them weak to certain units. Like hawks. Pretty brutal unless you get prepared for them early.
I love playing as the covenant. I let my friends hold off the enemy, then move my Arbiter to the enemy's base and unleash blue hugs of doom.
I like playing as Captain Cutter. It is great fun creating a gigantic army of marines to rush the enemy. Either that, or I upgrade my marines and or flame throwers (not so often) while my friends defend, then when I'm ready, we make a giant assault on their bases. Warthogs and hornets are fun too. I play a lot if any of you want some one to play Halo Wars with.
I don't really know how to do rush attacks that well because I'm only used to fighting bots on computer RTSs. (I usually don't try, and I put in cheat codes.) I like Forge because it's easier for me to build an army with those instant heavy supply pads. The problem is, I don't know what to build.
I always use scorpions and wolverines because people are always spawning mutiple air units. I never really tried any other strategies.
You could make a bunch of gauss hogs. Those usually work out pretty well for rushes when you have teammates making other unit types.
Here's a tactic I discovered today: Death a la Elephant 1) Play as Captain Cutter 2) After you've set up your bread-and-butter aspects of your base, research the Twin Engine perk for Elephants and build a Field Armoury. 3) Build 4 or 5 Elephants and position them just out of view of the enemy's base. If you can spare it, build a heavier unit to escort the Elephants in. 4) Build marines out of the Elephants. Also, if you haven't already, you might want to research some stuff for marines, and if you have that heavy unit, attack the base with it. 5) Keep building Marines and letting them pick away at the enemy. Start researching better mac shots and build some cheap vehicles to distract the enemy. DO NOT LET THE ENEMY NEAR YOUR ELEPHANTS! 6) Just finish them off with mac blasts or whatever. Works best for 1v1 games, but can work in 2v2's as well. It is technically rushing, so it doesn't work well against the rush-happy covenant.
Well this thread has evolved, that's okay but I want to share yet another long ass game: Official Halo Wars Community Site In other news, the title update should be live any second now.
Deathtoll77, CrzyAsian28, and I are a Halo wars team. In 3v3 matchmaking, after we got our groove on we went around 57-6. Give or take maybe three. Gamebattles is a different story as you can tell from Deathtolls sig. I recently started using anders to hog rush, but it does not suit me very well. I wil probably go back to the covi, even though I love the Cryobomb. I love this game and if I had more time would play it everyday.
EpicFishFingers I saw a Cutter strategy similar to that, though I don't know how well it works against the current community of 1v1.1 - Build the necessary things in the base, including an elephant. 2 - Position your elephant outside your base to start while collecting supplies with your hog and upgrading your marines with your barracks. 3 - Amass several squads of marines and send them to the enemy base. 4 - Send a constant stream of marines to the enemy base to support them. 5 - Using supplies slowly gained, upgrade the supply pads. 6 - Build a second reactor and upgrade your marines to RPG. 7 - Overwhelm the enemy! DeathToll77 Yeah, I remember that game. I couldn't believe that you were playing a single game that entire time I was sending you messages (almost every five minutes), but then I checked the page you linked to later that night... . . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .... When do you want to play Halo Wars with me?
Don't know if anyone else heard but... General - Flaming Warthog and Honor Guard Wraith skins now available in multiplayer to players who have those skulls. - The option to show Unit Hit Point bars above units is now available. Balance - The number of points to reach all ranks has been reduced. General now requires 2.4 million, down from 3.2 million, and other ranks have been reduced accordingly. - The max number of points you can get in a single match has been capped. - The Prophet of Regret’s land speed is now reduced to match other leaders. - Vampire Tech Upgrades now increase damage done by 15% in addition to their other effects. - Anders Cryo Bomb Upgrades now cost 50% more supplies. - Anders Hawk Upgrade now costs 50% more supplies. Bug Fixes - Multiplayer Matchmaking and Connection improvements have been put in. Players should find that their 2v2 and 3v3 teams no longer split up. - 'Ready for the Sequel' Achievement should now be rewarded properly. - Units on Exile and Crevice should find it easier to traverse the map. The general one and the prophet reduction are my favorite. Unit hit point bars are nice too.
Old well known tactic man. I just usually try to tech up as much as possible then storm the enemies base with full capabilities.
Ethrock Yeah, totally. I never understood the point of making four or five elephants, if, even at maximum production capability, you can only produce marines constantly out of one-three (depending on if the barracks is producing marines as well). On a more serious note, I find that by the time I'm able to fully upgrade, the enemy has so many units, I'm unable to survive their mass assault to produce enough units to make use of all of my upgrades.
The DLC is now out! Feel free to discuss. I haven't played it, or bought it, but I don't feel that it is really worth the money. More maps, especially 3v3, would have been nice to make it worth the 800 points. What do those who have played it think?