Map: Guard-it Gametypes: Slayer Guard-it is a slayer map best played with 2-8 players. It was inspired by Guardian. There is alot of cover and weapons making it a very fun map to play on. It also requires alot of strategy, and a good memory as to where the power weapons are, like where you died with them and who has them, failure to know this will result in death. First Angle: Second Angle: Third Angle:
I have to say, nice job. I did a qiuck forge through and the map was pretty cool. i liked the design, it was, conservative, yet innovative. I, too am working on a remake/ map inspired by Gaurdian, and might I say, I am having a tough time on it. I am kind of a perfectionist and my work is very intricate. This can sometimes be very hard, especially when making a remake. It has also effected my previous maps too, if you have seen them. Any tips you could pass on to an amateur?
Thanks, I had quite a tough time with some of the parts in this aswell and an even tougher time with the item limit. I couldn't manage to fit everything in, so i had to make it different to allow for alot more to fit in. As for tips, I can't really give you much except that whenever i was having a tough time with it, I would simply play some matchmaking till i felt like working on it again. It made some of the parts alot nicer. And im an amateur myself looking at some of the amazing creatinos done by otehr members, lol.
for future maps: do not build directly upon the sky-bubble grid, and avoid using doublewalls for floors. doublewalls shift after saving, making your ground uneven and extremely distracting during gameplay. you also should really consider budgeting your maps better. levels like this need railings. at the very least, you need them on the areas that are thin like the "elbow." you don't want players hating your map because of such simple problems.
i like the look of the map, the blue room looks a little off scale but i'd have to play it to see it first hand. for advice i'd say do what people have said already, make railings and touch it up a bit. nice map.
Just why would/should we download a guardian remake? I've seen a map that was inspired by guardian, and it was pretty good and well worth a download, but this one tries to be guardian, and it just can't match the original (no matter how hard you try)
hey nuvnuv123 i am up to help you out i just finished a map with my buddy itzxthemetal ( released this weekend sometime on foundry, interloxks, geomerges, sexiness, anyway lol my gamertag is Wasted Lemur and yes i am really good at forge now im gonna be notified for advertising hot damn..................... oh and this map i forged thorugh it and its very well built gameplay seems to work best with 2v2 and hey keep forging, though look out, there are some bumps
This was fun i loved how it was great map on sandbox based on guardian this is probably my favorite map of all keep these coming 5 out of 5!!!!
I really liked this remake its too bad you ran out of items, you should try the save and end game trick and made a better version.
Good Remake This is definitely one of the better remakes, inspirations that I have seen for Guardian. It is extremely disappointing that you ran out of items because i can definitely see this map looking and playing better. Perhaps a V2 would be in order with small rails or nicer aesthitics. Overall not to much to complain about, plays nice. 4/5
Thanks, I was thinking about doing a v2 now that i know the save/end game trick that gets you more items, but im not sure if ill do it, cuz this was a pain too make.