Beach House

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Eternal Reconnaissance, May 10, 2009.

  1. Eternal Reconnaissance

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    Beach House - L4D remake


    Map Description: This map is a remake/different version of Left 4 Dead's famous Lighthouse map for Survival. Obviously there is a Lighthouse building and some "boats" in the background. But since it is a version of Lighthouse, it is similar to the original Lighthouse map, but with changes to it. Thus Beach House was born.

    Beach House is made high up in the Skybubble of Sandbox, just a giant square from the main level of Sandbox. But on top the secrets can be found. The map starts out looking peaceful and plain for the most part, but after thirty seconds, when the light turns on, the map lights up and panic follows. But in those thirty seconds the survivors must find their way around the map and choose a good holding location, rather than in L4D where humans spend about 5 minutes setting up fuel cans and propane tanks. But if this huge wait was involved with the map, the zombies would loose interest in the game and quit.

    On the map itself it is pretty much basic Lighthouse from L4D, with the same weapons and a similar equipment layout, but unlike in L4D where there is a large wooded area surrounding the map, it is a small piece of land sitting atop of a cliff with a long fall. Due to budget limits one level of the roof is combined with the second, and the garage is not below the main level. Add the fact that this is a sandy version of Lighthouse and you've got yourself Beach House.

    For the humans they spawn next to the weapons. These weapons are as follows:

    Assault rifle=assault rifle
    Sniper rifle=hunting rifle
    Battle rifle=Secret upgraded assault rifle (not actually in L4D)
    Spike grenade=pipe bomb
    Regenerator=med pack
    Trip mines and fusion coils=fuel cans and propane tanks

    The humans have an overshield to represent the green bar of health. Next comes the regular shield, representing yellow health, and finally no shields, which obviously show red health. There is a 50% recharge in shields to represent the use of pain pills and to give the humans a chance to heal after large zombie attacks. Humans have high gravity and must use teamwork to hold off for the time limit. To ascend the map they must climb ladders (grav lifts and man cannons). Different areas of the map have different strengths and weaknesses. For example, the roof has high ground and the survivors can shoot down at the zombies, but hunters can use the ladders as a "superleap" to assassinate the humans, or smokers can snipe them in the open. Or some rooms have corners to camp in but breakable walls where infected can enter. Now onto the infected.

    The infected start out with a plasma pistol in the crypt (yes I'm aware they can overcharge and destroy the shields in one shot but this balances out) to stop them from lunging at survivors like hunters. After thirty seconds 3 staircases will spawn leading to teleporters to get onto the map. Three custom powerups are spread across their spawn which enable them to pick up weapons for three seconds and become special infected. Another teleporter is on the ground that leads to 1 final custom powerup, a grav hammer, and an overshield, the tank room. Zombies are as follows:

    Energy sword=Hunter
    Beam rifle (limited ammo)=Smoker
    Grav hammer=Tank
    Flare OR Energy drainer=Boomer

    The infected must choose their special infected wisely and work as a team, or in this case, a large horde to take down or separate the survivors. The infected have a lowered weapon damage so the humans can survive and not be killed instantly.

    This map has been worked on by me for about a week and has been discussed by other forgehub members at Halo 3 - L4D Survival Remakes. It is by far my greatest map, and the one I've spent the longest time on. And it is also my first forgehub map. I'd like to thank everyone who has given me support for the map, my friends who helped test this, and those who have given my thread a chance. I hope more people will create L4D remakes similar to this but with much better quality.

    Now for pictures:

    Back Overview of Beach House

    Spiral Staircase


    The Garage

    The Lighthouse

    The Hallway

    Zombie Spawn Before Stairs

    Zombie Spawn After Stairs

    Tank Room

    Action Shots will be put up soon!

    Thank You for viewing, please enjoy!
    #1 Eternal Reconnaissance, May 10, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  2. Joen@thanishere

    Joen@thanishere Ancient
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    nice looking map. the aesthetics look great from the picture, with the boats n all that, and i love infection maps. u got my dl. also the zombie respawn system u made is genius. i actually thought of using that too before i look at this post, but the theme is based on a different game. ill be sure to play it soon
  3. Kole

    Kole Ancient
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    I hope you get your support up for your thread, man. It's a great idea and it seems you really care about the entire idea. I would've gotten frustrated and gave up on the thread; but as it looks like from the map you went ahead and gave a map remake your best shot. I'll download and take a look at your aesthetics. But like you mentioned forge budget can be a little B**ch
  4. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Well, I didn't play the map (well I barely did), but I had a look through the map and the gametype.

    First off, I think the aesthetics are good. I think it is a pretty dang accurate remake of the map. Doesn't the stairway room connect to the room right next to it though?

    There are some things about the weapons that I don't like. I don't think Plasma Pistols were a good idea. Is L4D, one hit does not make all but 1 of your health go down. I think survivors will just die too quickly, especially since the zombies have shields (take way too long to die). I like the way you prevented the zombies from picking up human weapons, although you could have just blocked the human's weapons after the zombies spawn.

    Another problem is the way zombies choose to be a Smoker, Hunter, and Boomer. What is keeping one person from being them all at once? For example, I only got to play on this map for 5 minutes. I spawned a little later than the other tow guys, and one guy took the Smoker stuff and the Hunter stuff, the other taking the Boomer stuff, leaving me with nothing.

    The shield recharge may balance out the strong zombies (But if the zombies get Plasma Pistols, why bother?), but it takes away from the Left 4 Dead feeling. In the end, this ends up feeling like a normal Halo match to me, with each team using different weapons. The Tank only has twice as much health as the normal zombies, right? Seems a little low to me.

    I like the idea, and the map itself, but I just don't think you did the simple gameplay tweaks right. I actually have been working on a L4D survival map myself, and it is quite different. I will post it tomorrow (I think) if you want to check it out and compare.

    Overall 3/5. Could have been great though.
  5. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Well, I've actually thought about the idea quite a bit over the past few days. And let's just face it, it is impossible to create an EXACT remake of the L4D feel. And so, some new gameplay ideas must be used to create a feel similar to that. For the zombies, we have no AI playing as infected forcing them to blindly rush at you. But, we can create a feel similar to versus mode and incorporate that into survival mode. The zombies need to work together to completely destroy the humans. 1 Hunter can't just rush in and think to kill every human. The tank is easily killed in L4D, but only with teamwork and being aware of your surroundings. In here, it is "easily killed" depending on how you use it. The overshield gives it backup, and forces it to rush while the shields last or else be just a regular zombie that has a stronger melee. It creates that tank feel, a super-zombie that can deal massive damage to the survivors but only when used correctly. It is obviously not for stealth.

    As for being more than 1 zombie, this changes depending on how you look at it. If it is a small match, maybe it is smarter to be that extra special infected, no one else to be it for you. In big games, more people are playing and need to have more powers, so taking that extra zombie will a)piss them off and b)ruin the way the zombies work together. You can keep that versus feel, or destroy it entirely by breaking off your team.

    The plasma pistol can destroy all the shields, but like I said in the thread, this balances out to keep the L4D feel. Zombies can destroy the shields, but have a weakened melee, and a plasma pistol can't destroy a person by shots alone. And this overcharge also substitutes for a horde, like an energy drainer does as well.

    In the end, the survivors may end up stronger, because they can camp and last quite a while as a team. The infected are always able to be stronger than survivors, but only if they work together like they would in L4D versus mode. And in the end we have created that L4D feeling, the feeling of teamwork being the only thing standing between death and life, the feeling that a zombie horde will criple your team but maybe there is still a chance left, and the feeling that you get playing as a zombie in versus mode, having a blast for once killing off humans. That is what is made, that is the L4D feeling we get from this.

    Btw, I'm making a version 2 of this soon, which will balance out the gameplay more, and add that breakable wall between the stairs room and the hallway. While I wasn't going to do this before because it was already bad enough in that room, it seems that it displeases some by aesthetics and plus, the humans already have a big advantage until they are the last man standing (where their shield recharge ends).

    Edit: Yes, thanks for all the comments about aesthetics, that was a tricky part. I know it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to make an exact remake of L4D Survival mode, but I tried to come close with this map. Even if you don't feel the connection to L4D, it still makes for a fun Halo 3 Infection game and is worth something out there.

    Please continue to post comments, I need criticism to make the next map for Survival Mode, and this one is different, it will be an original.
    #5 Eternal Reconnaissance, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  6. xxluke1225

    xxluke1225 Ancient
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    I like seeing maps that some people can relate to, like L4D. The aesthetics look great, and although just a small part of the map, the spiral staircase made the feel for me. I hope it plays out well, but creating the same feel as a Left 4 Dead match is more on the nearly-impossible side. Great aesthetics anyways, and it looks clean.
  7. Garrettastic

    Garrettastic Ancient
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    From a post above me, it sounds like you had budget limitations. This could easily be fixed by deleting your "boats" (which don't resemble boats) and maybe adding more detail, or even another room. Vehicle cash would definitely get rid of any of your potential budget problems.

    On to the map though, gameplay looks great, and from the pictures I've seen for L4D, it definitely is similar. Well, as similar as you could get on Forge. I like the layout also. I give it a 4/5.

    Three questions though -
    1. How long does it take for weapons and equipment to respawn?
    2. How long does it take until the zombies can access the teleporters via stairs?
    3. What are the zombies' gravity, and if it's really low, then how did you accomodate for it?
  8. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Well, I could delete these boats and fix that up. I will probably work on a version 2 for this map and post it eventually, fixing up bumps and maybe adding more aesthetic quality. For right now, this will have to do.

    For human weapons and equipment, the weapons are in a pile and respawn so that the pile never disappears, and equipment doesn't respawn, just like it wouldn't in L4D. For zombies, the regular special infected weapons respawn every 30 seconds and the tank every 45, to give them a chanc.

    The zombies have 30 seconds before the stairs spawn and in the meantime can choose special infected and explore what little is in the crypt, and the humans can use this time to find a holdout position.

    The zombies have 75 gravity, so they can jump higher and use the grav lifts to get around the humans faster. This gravity allows them to assassinate, a big balance for them since humans will normally win as a full team. But as their numbers fall, the infected only get smarter and angrier.
  9. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Okay, overall its pretty good. There's no one place that favors the survivors, though there are better places to be. Most areas have about 3 entrances, which is good.
    There are a few places that need tightening up, just basic wall straightening, and add shield doors to cover the back area. Delete the "boats" (Sorry, but they really don't look like boats) too.
    The infected spawn system works, but only when there are more than four infected. Since the weapons/powerups aren't blocked off, one player can grab multiple things, or even just grab their normal weapon and then a powerdrain from the boomer pile. Personally I think it would be better if the infected spawned in enclosed areas, and just had their respawn traits modified so they could pick up weapons, but only in the first 5 seconds or so.
  10. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Thanks for the Idea Dude. I Remade Crane From L4D. But I dont know and am to lazy to post it here. LOLZ. I downloaded it yesterday and my firends hated it. But I Really Enjoyed the map. Halo and Left 4 dead are my 2 favorite games. Nice Idea. 5/5
  11. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Yah, people need to play L4D or just get a feel for this kind of map. To some they just think it needs to look good and play like a big open, simple map, but I added my own twist to the gameplay. Thanks, I'll check out the Crane remake and see how it is. Nice to see people giving support to this kind of gametype now.
  12. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Hey, this is very cool looking. I havent played L4D much...just borrowed it from a friend...but this looks very tite. I will come back and read it once I have the time; can't right now got to go read for english. But, I think I might want to help out with this idea....more MAPS!! just like for Judgement. That would be nice. Once again, I will come back to you on this once I have checked it out in detail, but so far Great Job!
  13. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    the map itself is very clean and the gametype is good with only a few exceptions, like the multiple special infected equipment problem, the only way i can see to solve it is to put platforms high of the ground in crypt and leave the equipment there. you can then control how often that infected shows up by the number of spawn points on that platform compared to the total on the map, and setting a few second spawn trait so the zombies can't leave crypt to pick up human weapons. Also an idea for the humans, oversheilds, 500% damage resistance and no shield recharge, because shield recharge rate does not effect health regen rate you end up with a human with about 1/4 their max hitpoints. as for the actual numbers its 700 points of shield and 200 points of health, with a pistol body shot being 20 damage, if you use this system thougth i would suggest removing the PPs for the basic zombies. Feel free to use any amount of what i just said, but if you don't like something i would like to know why you feel your idea is better, thanks for the great remake, i can't wait for V2.
  14. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    oooo pretty..... wait what? whatever but anyways nice map great asthetics and i know i have seen this map before wasn't this the map from L4D? yes it is a remake and its really accurate. 4.5/5 nice job!
  15. ODST Leon

    ODST Leon Ancient
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    i got 3 words, i love it....and 3 more words, this is fun...and 4 words. you are a great map maker...oh wait, that's 5....oh well...

    i give it a 4/5! keep it up.

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