Sandbox Death pit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mo Murderous, May 11, 2009.

  1. Mo Murderous

    Mo Murderous Ancient
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    This is my newest map death pit also known as weapon world due to all of the weapons at each spawn point and in the arena. This is made for king of the hill mainly, although you could use it for slayer, juggernaut, oddball etc. The objective is you spawn pick a weapon and man cannon into the hill. It is meant for 2-12 players, and the more people the better the game. I know that there is no cover, merging pieces, or interlocking, but it is all about the game. Each spawn area has 2 of almost every weapon, so there will always be the weapon you need there. This is one of the funnest games I've ever played on the simplest maps I've made. You should try it out feel free to change anything like adding cover or getting rid of some of the weapons. Let me know what you think.






    download and enjoy : Halo 3 File Details

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
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    Yah, first comment =D
  3. CommanderA17

    CommanderA17 Ancient
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    So you start off at a place full of power weapons and Mancannon your way over to a giant square in the sky to fight against other teams who grabbed the same power weapons to fight over a hill. Not feelin' it too much. Maybe if you gave the game more depth like you start with weaker weapons and the more the game progresses you gain better weapons, other than that this game projects little intrest to me.

    P.S. You might wanna fix up your post a little.
  4. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    i agree with commander.
    good idea, but weaker weapons would make it better.
  5. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    Spam. Reported. Bam.

    The map looks pretty good, like lots of pointless fun, but it might be more fun if it just had a gametype that was random weapons, so that people couldn't just choose rockets everytime. Also, this would allow you to make spawns that forced people to go into the man-cannons via grav lifts so that people wouldn't spawn camp. Another thing you should do is add more than four launch pads so that the game wouldnt' have problems if lots of people played. Overall, it looks like a fun concept, but you should fix some things up with v2.
  6. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    I kinda like how the middle is raised up. I think that how you have the weapons so it seems that one side has different isn't a good idea however. Some people will complain when they don't spawn with a weapon they want or someone will stay in the back and camp the spawns or just snipe and be annoying the whole game. I do like the concept however, just needs some improvement.

    Good job
    #6 zackj191, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  7. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Map looks terible. Power weapon cashes never ever work. Might be fun at 4 in the morning when your drunk... but otherwise..

    And all you people who spammed in here, you should know better. And Foxy Sqkuirel, I'm going to shoot you in the knee now.
    #7 Mace, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  8. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Spam reporting now. Done.
    Edit: moderators can see that you changed it and your fifth grade humor is hilarious. I wouldn't waste time making a quote for you and reporting it if you never actually said it and congratulations your response may earn another one. Stop making this thread a joke. Posts are supposed to help mapmakers improve their work not start random arguments and post meaningliss coments.

    As for the map I had done something like this sort of. Basically I set out of hill traits to invincible and no damage and in hill traits well normal. This way people out side of the center could not kill people in the hill from cover half the map away. Also people wouldnt be able to kill people from one launch pad to the other. I like the random weapons idea but i feel you would be negligent to change the armory siince it was the basis of your map. If you set the weapons on map to random however I feel it would be great compramised fun for everyone. That way you at least have to search for a good weapon instead of knowing where they are.

    EDIT: also maybe up some damage resistance or at least faster recharge rate. I would recommend getting to the point where a rocket direct wouldn't kill at least.
    #8 Canadians360, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  9. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Why did you make up a quote for me? Wtf, do you want me to do the same for you?

    Yea how do you like it dude. Annoying /fh/ newfag is annoying.

    #9 zackj191, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  10. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
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    Well I downloaded it last night, threw about 10 of my friends together and tried it out.

    Apparently, FFA KotH does not work with any more that 4 people, because no one has enough time to grab any good weapons without being assassinated by someone else.
    After realising this we stopped the game and switched to Team KotH. This doesnt seem to work either because it is incredably easy to be spawn killed by the amount of sniper rifles, spartan lazers, rockets, and firebomb grenades. so basicly whichever team got 3 people on the hill first won.

    Also we noticed one major flaw with your map, the man cannons dont always work proporly. several times we found that the man cannons would not push us high enough to get up to the hill and we would just fall to our death.

    This was the carnage report from the game.

    The map's concept is alright, but there are some things that definatly need to be fixed, i think it could be greatly improved in these ways:

    • Place shield doors inbetween starting points and the hill to prevent spawn killing.
    • 1 or 2 more bases for better FFA play.
    • Raise mancannons by putting them on a large wedge or block or something to get more height into the jump.
    • The combination of fuel rod cannons and firebomb grenades create serious lag, you could remove them, but this is up to you.
    Anyways, sorry for ranting, the map is origional and its something that I would like to see work, good luck on your future maps.
    #10 Runic Aries, May 12, 2009
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  11. T3RA PROWL3R

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
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    Sry bout' that, I just never get the first coment. I also didn't see that part (Is there one?) when I red the rules of this site. Or did you just mark it as spam because it had nothing to do with this post/map? Anyways, Is a good map, but I don't see any point in downloading since I can just make it myself.
  12. T3RA PROWL3R

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
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    Hah, get in line.

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