hey everyone, do you guys have any days where halo is just so packed with options, it is just hard to play, and even boring? I mean, today, i went on to matchmaking, and seriously, it was so hard to play one playlist, without going to another. I don't know, but It happens to me a lot. Just wanted to know your thoughts. I feel that way a lot and it could just be me. No rude comments please, had enough of those. =l thank you, and I still love halo even though it is getting to me.
I was told that's a sign of ADD. But I wasn't paying attention when they told me what that meant. jk. I do that a lot. But I hate objective.
Actually usually it's where I'm like... No.. don't wanna do social slayer right now.. or snipers... or swat... and then I realize, I just don't want to play Halo. So I pop in Halo Wars, Fable II, Orange Box, Red Faction II, or I just hop on my PC, check to see if any threads I've subscribed to have replies worth responding to here on FH, then browse youtube til I'm bored again, usually by then a few people have logged into Halo and I can hop into custom games. Even if I'm not really playing, I got people to chat with.
I love halo for the reason that there are so many options. I can't really get tired of it because there is just so much stuff to do. I play other games but I end up going back to halo after a while.
I have that same issue sometimes. Like, if me and my friends want to play some SNipArZZZ then we would play that. But then I also want to play some MLG. Or x2 Exp. And BTB if Im feeling frisky.
Mostly in forge; whenever I get a good idea for something, I always get another one, and I can never decide what to do, and I get lazy and bored... and do neither.
I feel the EXACT same way. I've played way too much Halo, but I can't stay away. Most day I play with my friends, so I still have a ton of fun, but other days I don't feel like playing that much. I just jump from playlist to playlist.