No there arent any pictures. But you may want to read the wall of text below. Modern Warfare 2 Gameplay Glimpsed Snowmobiles and underwater missions confirmed. by Hilary Goldstein May 10, 2009 - One of the most likely candidates for best-selling game of 2009 is Modern Warfare 2. Until today, the only footage of the Call of Duty 4 sequel was an ambiguous teaser trailer. On Sunday, during an NBA playoff game featuring the Orlando Magic and Boston Celtics, TNT aired a brief trailer showcasing the first in-game footage of Modern Warfare 2. The short clip showed several scenes, including an airfield fracas in the cold (with one soldier flipping another to the ground) and an underwater mission. No, not a mission in a sub, but one both in and out of a small submersible. Also shown was a firefight on snowmobiles with the action cutting at one point to a first-person view of character driving down a snow-covered mountain. The footage can best be described as the coolest looking G.I. Joe game ever. No, really, it looked like scenes from the classic cartoon re-imagined for Activision's brutal and bloody modern war. Though each scene appears much brighter and more vibrant than Infinity Ward's last Call of Duty title, there are going to be some old throwbacks. The final few seconds of the new trailer show a familiar scene from what appears to be an AC-130 gunship. If that's not ringing a bell, just think back to the mission in the original Modern Warfare where you picked off enemies from the clouds in an air support vehicle. That was an AC-130 gunship. The trailer was brief, but the last frame promised a more complete look at Modern Warfare 2 during the Eastern Conference Finals on TNT. May 24 to be exact. We're certain you were already going to be watching LeBron drain treys and dance on the sidelines. Consider the full trailer a bonus. IGN Advertisement To see the video, go to this link: Update: If people have read ScareCrow Xavier's post, then it is correct. Here is a full list of the things that were shown on GiantBomb. Soap is in the game as a "grizzled vet" NPC. Single player enemies will have "customized" weapons similar to the multiplayer component of COD4. The ice mission shown to GI demonstrated the game's open-ended approach to combat, showing how stealth can be implemented if the player chooses. While the gameplay is open-ended, the story is "on-rails". Infinity Ward realizes that the "invisible line" where enemies will stop coming in COD4 wasn't great, so they're trying hard to eliminate that. Also, they are lengthening the single player past the 6-10 hour mark of COD4. "Special Forces Mode" is a major part of MW2, a series of missions in the spirit of the Mile High Club from COD4. It will also have co-op in this mode. Gears-style bleed-out-and-partner-revive will be used. Co-op apparently won't exist in Story Mode. Riot shields will be implemented in the game. Zakhaev's former associate, Makarov, is the "new face of global terrorism." Snowmobiles are used as a form of escape in the demonstration. Unclear whether or not the player will drive, shoot, or both. Players will alternate using the two triggers to climb ice-walls. Movable turrets will be used in SF mode and Single Player, no official word on online use. IW wants to implement an accomplishment system to online, as they want to make their players famous. Online mode will use a "Live-Patching" system, where IW can manipulate spawn logic or certain parts of a multiplayer map without doing a full-blown patch. Another demoed area shows an enormous desert setting where Task Force 141 drops into a wasteland and must navigate a "lengthy trek" to a fully-rendered valley with scattered caves, reminiscent of Iron Man. IW is focusing on details for the COD4 sequel, citing iced-up tire treads in the Russian level. The game will run in 60fps. Here is a link to the thread:
Playing on a snowy multilayer level will kick-ass, and jet ski's are one of the most unused methods of transport in FPS games. I'm almost positive this game will not disappoint me, I hope it has a post-game unlockable (Mile High Club, Nacht Der Untotem) and a cool collector's edition. I want something to go next to my COD 5 flask and my Fallout Bobblehead.
Finally, I love how they get gameplay out quickly because they are confident in the game. As for the game I need to change my pants
Those are the most epic 10 seconds ever. This game is going to be bad ass. And I guess you aren't underwater for long, it is just for getting somewhere quickly and in this case probably a ship.
It looks exactly like CoD4, but with snow. In order for me to really be interested in this game, Infinity Ward will definitely have to improve the Multiplayer aspect to make it less noob friendly. Otherwise, this game will only be a rental for me.
You mean, make it accessible to everybody, whilst promoting those who are good at the game? It's nice to be able to play a multiplayer game without getting my ass handed to me every time.
Different strokes for different folks, I guess... Making it more accessible brings in the younger crowds. With younger crowds, you get little punks screaming into their mics, team killers, and the sort. I'd rather not have that in a competitive game.
It looks pretty solid. Because there are people underwater, it safe to say some aspect of the Navy SEALS will be involved. It looks like vehicles are are also going to be usable (hopefully not tanks) Possibilities so far: -Snowmobiles -Helicopters -personal submarines? Judging by snowy environment near what appears to be the ocean we can logically predict that the story at some point is in Russia (most likely) or perhaps a military base in Alaska. As far as multiplayer goes...we will wait and see. I have faith in the storyline, Call of Duty series - be it by infinity ward or teyarch - has always delivered on story pretty well. I have no qualms with COD4's multiplayer. As long as they don't drastically change in MW2 (through excess vehicles or something) it should be pretty good.
It was already confirmed that a major part of the game will take place in Russia. There will also be sequences in Rio De Jineiro, Brazil and parts of Europe. I'm guessing the underwater sequence will take place off the coast of Brazil. I think that if they do add vehicles, they should add some to the Multiplayer. Not tanks though, but I think a Snowy level with Snowmobiles would be excellent. It would make the Multiplayer actually appealing to me.
I never cared for the World at War storyline. I thought it was just World War 2. However Infinity Ward is going to deliver an amazing campaign this time around. They seem to be really taking it to the top of the stairs so to speak. Hopefully it runs on a similar but different Call of Duty Engine. The fast paced action of Call of Duty 4 and WaW was what made it absolutely fun. I always loved the ranking system of the game though. You dont have to win a game in order to gain xp, but doing that gives you more however.
Yes, no tanks hopefully, especially since today's U.S. tanks have bin rarely destroyed. But the snowmobiles would be kind of useless if the map isn't big or open.
Hopefully this game won't suck like COD WAW did. I'm sick of WW2. I just want more COD4 but with added things such as guns, perks, levels, and games.
I'm guessing vehicles (if any) in multiplayer will consist of snowmobiles and maybe humvees. personally though i'd be happy without any vehicles.
Maybe the jet ski sequence was like the end of Modern Warfare 2 in the truck, you're just on auto-pilot. Which reminds me, which characters do you think are left alive? Gaz, Griggs, Soap and Price could all possibly come back, if Gaz was shot in the ear and Griggs was shot in the neck. Do you think we'll be playing as Soap and a "Mystery Marine"? Will there be flashback missions?
This man speaks truth. Honestly, I was "Okay, so what?" I could compile something like that for any action based game and make kids cream their pants. Really, it didn't show anything besides it being another Modern Warfare. Cool, they changed environments, have a new story, and added snow-mobiles. It sounds exactly like what World at War was, a reskin of Call of Duty 4. The only faith I have in this game, is in Infinity Ward. Then I remember that they are working with Activision, and those hopes get crushed because they are the sole company (in my opinion) ruining the gaming industry, turning it into something about the money, not the entertainment. EDIT: Directed at the comment above me. I doubt any characters will see a return, maybe a cameo at best. They weren't relateable characters, there was no real focus on them. In fact, I confused two people with each other constantly, can't remember who though. Either way, not memorable characters to bring back in a sequel in my opinion, we'll be getting all new ones. Call of Duty 4's campaign was solid, so this will be too most likely. But, we do live in a generation where the average campaign lenght is around 7-8 hours, and that by no means constitutes as a buy. I could care less about multiplayer, which is a noob and **** cumfest, so I'd only be getting it for the campaign, and unless it is long or has alot of replay this will be a rental at best. Then again, maybe they will wow me, and make multiplayer actually good. Who knows, but I have my doubts.
I would love Fast Attack Vehicles (FAVs). Three seats, a machine gun at the top, and another one at the passenger seat, and I wouldn't mind it being to only vehicle in there. Also, since it is "Modern Warfare 2" They should implement more modern guns, attachments, and features.
Well I for one really hope that they dont use vehicles in the multiplayer unless it has been tested for fairness against players on foot. The multiplayer is what they really need to focus on though. The campaign will be amazing because I trust Infinity Ward to deliver. And for you Sweeny, nobody really knows if it is going to be exactly like call of duty 4 just reskined. Knowing infinity ward, they will hopefully of added a new engine and the game will probably have newer graphics because in its early stages now, of course it wont have good graphics.
Modern Warfare 2 intel captured in latest Game Informer by Ben Gilbert As per this month's Modern Warfare 2 cover story in Game Informer, details of the piece have surfaced over at GiantBomb. A smattering of new revelations are covered, including the flat-out refusal of co-op play in story mode (said to break the narrative experience). Additionally, Captain "Soap" MacTavish returns, bringing with him distinctly more open-ended gameplay, and a significantly fleshed out "special forces" mode (one that will mimic and expand upon the final "Mile High Club" airplane battle in CoD4). If you want more, you're just going to have to snag a copy of this month's GI. We'll be honest with you, though -- at this point, we expect greatness from the veteran development team at Infinity Ward. Luckily, from the looks of things, the game's release on November 10 will bring ever-widening smiles to the faces of existing fans and reignite our already burnin' love for the series. Link
I jizzed... In my pants.... God, this game is going to be AMAZING!! I'm pretty sure you will play part time in Canada, because it has been confirmed that there are multiple Canadian arms