Background: Sunburn is a remake of a map I had made on Avalanche. The original was called Frostbite, but I won't be posting it due to a spawn trap that I couldn't get rid of for some weird reason. Number of Players: Sunburn is built for 2-4 players, (Although 4 gets to be extremely chaotic) Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball Weapons List: 2 Battle Rifles 1 Assault Rifle 2 SMG 2 Magnum 1 Plasma Pistol Equipment List: 1 Bubble Shield Grenade List: 4 Plasma Grenades 4 Frag Grenades Screenshots: --Overview --Hallway --Towers --Battle Rifle Platform DOWNLOAD SUNBURN Side Notes: If this should be in Casual instead, sorry. I really wasn't sure, since it is a slayer game type map, with no special rules. But it's not really tournament style. So sorry if it's in the wrong thread. If you find a problem with it, like (god forbid) that stupid spawn trap happens for you. Please tell me and I'll try to fix it. I have played it a few times, and everything seemed to be working fine. But just in case. I hope you guys enjoy the map, it's been really fun for me to play on as a warm up, and it was especially fun building it. Also any helpful advice you have, improvements I could make, or whatever it is that would be awesome! Finally, when you first play it. Look up!
First off welcome to forge hub. Second don't worry your map is in the right place. Your map is in no way escape able or capable of being exploited and requires no honor rules such as you cant jump over this wall, or your not allowed to melee so on and so forth. Your map is very condensed but is well fused and looks quite smooth. Good job. The only two problems i could possibly forsee is that walking over the tin cup is a bit bumpy it looks as though its a bit high but I might just be seeing things. My other concern being the difficulty of jump up to the plasma grenades on top of your two slit walls in your hallway picture. Even if this requires a jump up from the tall block i would try for a one jump route since your map is quite small and any attempt at a double jump would result in one being spotted. Also the problem is if you need to use that block frag grenates would already be on the lower one giving the jumper 4 grenades and the high ground. However in prospective these are very minor things especaily for a first post. There fore let me be the first to congradulate you in a well made first map.
@Last_Chaos_7 + Doomsday: Thanks, and it actually isn't that small when you play on it. Because of all the cover, it ends up seeming a lot bigger then it actually is, especially for 1 vs 1's. Thanks again for commenting and rating! @Canadians360: Thanks, as for the plasma grenade tower, that one was just a mess the whole time I was making it -_-' In the original I had used barricades on the towers for cover, so you could jump from the right tower onto the plasma grenade tower. But because I couldn't find anything barricade size I had to go with this and put a block to use as a jump platform. I'll try and fix that when if I decide to make a third version. (Didn't even really notice the 4 grenade thing) As for the tin cup I haven't really noticed anything that would really change the gameplay.