I made this map today it was inspired by onslaught and I need some testers because i cannot test it myself because my xbox live isnt working. So gimme some input tell me what you think. GT: Qweezy Steezy. fileshare: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/fileshare.aspx 4-8 players, MLG TS and CTF. Weapons are Strictly MLG 2 Carbines 4 BR 6 frag 6 plasma 1 Sniper 1 Mauler 1 Plasma PIstol Red base and Blue base, Symmetrical PICS! OverView Red Base Red Base Again Blue Base Blue Base Again Carbine Tower Sniper Tower/Perch
EDIT: Ignore the headings above the pictures besides overview, for whatever reason they are wrong and i am aware that there are two identical photos, sorry this is my second day at forgehub. And there is a Custom Powerup x1 that i forgot to include in the list.
You could have just edited the initial post. Map wise, it's not bad aesthetically, I like the carbine towers and the bases, I find their structures interesting. The sniper tower however, looks kind of messy, and is probably the only part of the map I dislike. Overall, 3.5/5
nice map i remember commenting on a map that looked just like this and it looked grate, this map looks better though its less open and has a catwalk wich makes every thing better. this mapp is really incredable i like the look of the 2nd picture love the architecture with in it.
i like the architecture. do more with the bases and leave less empty space. also, try to incorporate less jump-ups and more ramps. your map looks a lot like onslaught, and that's not really a good thing. onslaught is an overly simplistic map and not something to be modeled after.
Wow, nice map. I really like onslaught so this was fun for me to play. Could you give me some advice? my maps are in my sig.
thanks for the comments everyone! a few quick questions: did you download it and play a custom on it? did you enjoy it? Thanks