Mine is Weapon: M4 Carbine, Red Dot Perk 1: Bandolier Perk 2: Stopping Power Perk 3: Martydom What's yours?
For Hardcore (specifically Search and Destroy which is what 90% of all the games I have ever played are)- Weapon: G3 Red Dot, M21 Claymores That carry 2 weapons thing Dead Silence For non-hardcore (Which I play a lot less) - I guess M14 Bandolier Stopping Power EXTREME conditioning And PS: your favorite class is one nubetube away from the NOOB class
Actually, getting Gold with all weapons showed me how HORRIBLY BAD the Uzi is and that I wasted my time getting that gold skin, so infact using the Uzi in a class is pro O.O If you play Cod for computer, are you by any chance the Ryan that plays MRoA servers?
awww on Computer it's a lot more fun (I play both) because there is a maximum of 64 people in a game MUAHAHAHAHA! I got a 57 kill streak O.O but, I sort of stopped playing Call of Duty all togather until Modern Warfare 2 comes out, but technically I will still not being playing COD either then lol.
I've got a friend that plays WaW on Xbox, and I think he's atleast one of the top 100 in the world. Just a few minutes ago I was playing cod4 and we were in a chat; he has a 40 kill streak and host ended the game... Idk what his best kill streak is. But, on cod4, his best game on Shipment, he got 136 kills....
Sniper Class: M40A3 Gold Desert Eagle Flash Grenade Claymore X2 Stopping Power Iron Lungs Solid for Sniper camping. My other favourite class. Barett 50. (Acog Scope) Gold Desert Eagle Flash Grenade Triple Frag Stopping Power Extreme Conditioning.
My favorites: M4OA3 w/ ACOG Desert Eagle Smoke Grenade Bandolier Stopping Power Steady Aim (for close-quarters no-scoping in tight situations) and M60E4 w/ Red Dot Sight Desert Eagle Flash Grenade RPG x2 Stopping Power Deep Impact
I usually use: RPD w/ Grip Deagle bandolier stopping power steady Which is great against choppers, or M16 w/ Red dot deagle stun bandolier stopping power last stand But when I feel like sniping, I go with barrett .50 cal deagle stun bandolier stopping power deep impact
ok i really do lvoe cod4 and i use 3 classes and 2 others that i get challenges on my first one is G36C silenced usp bandolier stopping power steady stun that is my most common class and it rocks My next class is M40 acog deagle bandolier stopping power extreme conditioning stun i love this class too and it never lets me down lastly i use scorpion silenced m9 with the other #'s forgot them bandolier stopping power steady smoke that is my last class and i rape with all of em. also my best game i went 152 kills 34 deaths on shipment which was so easy my best non shipment was 97 kills 12 deaths with a RPD on countdown
Hardcore Red Tiger G3 w/ Red Dot Sight Perk 1- Claymores x2 Perk 2- Overkill (Secondary Weapon: M21 w/ Scope) Perk 3- Deep Impact M4 Carbine w/ No Attachment Perk 1- Bandolier Perk 2- UAV Jammer Perk 3- Extreme Conditioning Core Red Tiger M4OA3 w/ ACOG Scope Perk 1- C4 x2 Perk 2- Stopping Power Perk 3- Steady Aim Golden AK-47 w/ Grenade Launcher Perk 1- Attachment Perk 2- Stopping Power Perk 3- Deep Impact Red Tiger MP5 w/ Silencer Perk 1- Bandolier Perk 2- Stopping Power Perk 3- Steady Aim
Silenced M4 Carbine, Overkill with Silenced MP5, Bandolier, and Steady Aim. I named the class Silent But Deadly. It rapes everyone, even the pros.