TAINTED DEATH Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Tainted death is a competitive cutthroat map. Everything is symetrical in this map. The spawns, The weapons, the flags, and of course the layout. The map uses teleporters to force the teams to go straight at eachother. this head to head gameplay is different than the the usual alternate routes in most CTF maps. Weapons: Battle Rifle x2 Sentinal beam x2 Carbine x2 Brute Shot x2 Shotgun x2 Flamethrower x1 Everything is on normal spawn time Without further ado: The Pics! Overview of Bases Red Base Blue Base Overview of Straightaway Angle of Straightaway Under Straightaway Teleporter to skyway (symetrical) Reciever in Skyway (Symetrical) Sender in skyway (Symetrical) Reciever in bases (Symetrical) And multiple recievers to prevent camping --------------------------------------------------- FINAL NOTES: Feedback Wanted! Please download and critisize! There will be a V2 V2 Will have more merging Tell me what to fix if you dont like it -KING
Ok your map looks interesting but I have a really big problem with it. With only one entrance into the skyway camping will become a massive problem. I would have at least three receiver nodes for the sky part to eliminate this as much as possible. This wouldn't be a huge problem but your map contains more camping weapons than anything. ( shotguns, flamethrower, etc) I understand you want the two teams to colide head on but that doesnt mean you couldn't have three recievers on each side just a few feet apart to avoid someone just sitting there by the reciever node with a shotgun.Your map looks good and is fairly smooth unfortunately your game play needs a bit of fine tuning. I hope my advice helped. Good luck with your post. Edit: You may also want to put up some guard rails in the sky bubble section of your map to prevent a few suicides in the narrow parts.
Tainted v2 idea Thanks for the post. Definitly change weapons (i had no idea where to begin with those so i just chose some of my favorites..) And multiple recievers in the skyway was one of my issues with the maps too Ill fix in V2 -KING
i had a map just like this except going in the sky was just an option oh well in addition to the camping issue your bases look a little sloppy but thats just an aesthetics issue also im not a personal fan of the juicy effect but thats just me however the skyway looks pretty good
pretty good map, i think it needs a little more open spaces but over all it was well thought out and put together well.....