These are some screens i got while playing in mythic brawl, im using them for the new contest thing or w.e Goodbye Hitched Get out of the way!
Meh. They're kinda boring. Don't the screenshots have to be on a Mythic Map in Mythic Brawl for the contest, though?
I like the forst shot, it looks like it took time to set up, the others are just kind of stock photos that anyone can get, althoug the invisible man holding a gun in the last shot is cool.
I like the first one. It says "Please dont leave me!!!!" As far as the contest, it HAD to be taken and post before midnight staurday and must have been taken during a match in the Mythic Brawl playlist. The mythic brawl contains all the maps.
No, they don't it is only required that they be taken from the mythic brawl play list. Anyways, I will agree I wouldn't say they're 'exciting', although I got a bit of a laugh from the first one.