Made By: x iTz LegiT o Map: Sandbox Gametype: RACETRACKS Description: CryptCross is not like any other track out there to this day. People try to make supercross/motocross tracks but they never have the right feel. So I decided I would give it a shot. Even though there is a huge skybubble to work with I decided to start in the crypt. The crypt gives it a more supercross feel, with the stadium feel the tight turns and jumps etc…. Looking down the starting straight waiting for the light, when it shows you fly down and take a left handed turn. Go over a small roller into a tight left turn. Which leads you to a step up to another tight turn. Then you come to the first rhythm section. This is a table top with 4 possible lines to go trough. There is the left which is just a jump but needs speed to clear. Or you could go right which is a step on step off and it also give you the inside line leading to the dragonback. A dragonback is a hill with woops on it. After that there is a 180 turn to the finish jump. Which leads to the woops section. Very difficult sections of the race. Then into to rhythm sections. The first is a small section in which you could double, double, double, or take the right and go triple, double, single. Whatever line you choose will set you up for the next section. This is very difficult to master and will not be easy the first time around. It is a Triple into a step on step off. Also you could take the right side and do a double, triple out which is very very hard to accomplish. Then down the last straight into a triple or a double single than back to the step up. This whole track is 2 lined so intense racing that your not just following the same line Pics: Starting Gate First Little Double Step Up First Rhythm Section DragonBack Finish Line (No im not crashing thats how it sends you) Whoopies !!!!!! Rhythm Section 2 Final Rhythm Section What inspired your creation?: I race motocross and supercross and was disappointed in all the tracks I see so I looked over for ideas and came up with the best supercross style track out there How long did it take you to create?: Overall it took a month planning, drawing it out and making sure it was just right. What aspect took the longest to get right?: The finish line double for sure. That jump took me forever cause it is a jump that throws you perfect just like a real supercross jump should and that is why it took so long. But it is perfect now Download Link: CryptCross Hope everyone likes it. This racetrack will show that to be good you dont have to have a uncheatable start/finish Thanks, x iTz Legit o
That's pretty cool but yeah like no one makes motocross maps becuase It just doesn't appeal to most people but this looks pretty well done. Alot of small jumps and rhythym sections... i'll have to test it out sometime (next time I go to neighbors house) and then i'll get back to you with more =) oh I want to try the perfect jump now I just read it... oh and how do you not need an uncheatable checkpoint that part makes no sence lol... they can just sit there and win...
Nice job! this is a good race track i like motocross/supercross type tracks i like how its pretty neat and i like that one part in the pic that seemed like you were going to crash. 4.5/5 good job! P.S but yeah like chaos said try putting in the uncheatable checkpoint.
Thanks,Everyone for the good feedback and i put a uncheatable finish in and i didnt like it. It threw off the speed of the track it is ment to be all skill and all about just how fast can you really go so ya. Thanks again
This is great! I love it. I'm inspired by how you got your inspiration. I love how you made everything. But... having no finish line cheat system may be risky, but I hope it works!
Love the tracks rythem sections really can change the order of the racers by just 1 miss bump and you go from 1st to last =) Idea: Maybe put up 2 links one for cheat proof finish and one without because of the moaners lol. great map gl with v2
This was an amazing racetrack, the bumps and jumps were awesome! Nice job! And you used the entire crypt, it felt like the racetrack lasted forever (until it ended, though xD). I suggest adding a gravity lift at the part where you turn so people know where to go and for some stability because when I finish the track and make that turn, I sometimes flip over.
Dude holy **** no way i race motocross and this is sick i was just about to post one but then i saw this and i was like damn mine not be that good haha ill post it anyway though haha its an outdoor national kinda but its still pretty siiick.. you should try it out