I am proud to present my first effort at forging a map. It is a CQB map, built primarily for oddball and slayer/team slayer, but it fully supports all gametypes. C and C are welcome. http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=27139953 Update: Shipment: Download Map Description: This is a CQB map, designed for team/FFA slayer and oddball, but all gametypes are supported. Even though they are supported, I do not think that CTF and Assault play very well on this map, it is just too small. I recommend 2-6 players. Enjoy! Pics:
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
Sorry, I should have read the rules post. I will do better next time. :squirrel_blush: I will try to fix this asap, but with school and all, the new stuff probably won't be up until 6:00 to 8:00 CST tomorrow.
Shipment: Download Map Description: This is a CQB map, designed for team/FFA slayer and oddball, but all gametypes are supported. Even though they are supported, I do not think that CTF and Assault play very well on this map, it is just too small. I recommend 2-6 players. Enjoy! Pics:
Looks pretty cool! I think that the sword might DOMINATE the map but I will have to play it first so don't listen to me....YET!
Looks good. I would consider tidying up some of the boxes but there was only a few so no worrys. I really like this map. Liek waht the one guy said it looks like the sword might dominate but if it does you can allways take it out after a few games. Overall nice map for being your first!
Glad to see this is not on Foundry, and it looks like this map would be good for SWAT. I'll try it out once I free up some space.
looks good, but just a hint, move the second post with all the pics into ur first post so people dont have to go down the screen, some people r rearry lazy