Integrity Sorry for the title. This is my first thread on this website and I can't edit it anyway. The Covenant expeditionary unit were awed at first by this ancient Forerunner Cavern. However, their awe soon turned to fear. Download Integrity Description:Integrity is certainly not the first map I've ever built, but it's the first one I'm truley happey with, and the first one i felt is worthy to be posted on ForgeHub Integrity is a crypt map, symmetrical, and good for almost any gametype. The forging isn't amazing, but definitely good. It's supposed to be cave like, and have a creepy feel to it. When the gloomy filter is on, it definitely gives that feel. There is a center structure, or pile of rocks, with the two blue lights, and the rocket spawn. surrounding that structure are various others, ranging in size from a few stones piled on top of eachother to large buildings. It's filled with interlocking, which I believe makes the map what it is. There are 2 Snipers, 1 rocket, 2 maulers, 2 needlers, 2 magnums, 2 plasme rifles, 2 plasma pistols, 2 assault rifles, 2 brute shots and 2 carbines. There are 10 BR's Pics: A few without the filter so you can see better :} Sorry, the pics weren't so great this time around. Do know that there is a gloomy FX filter on and it looks different than in some of the clips. So, there's Integrity. I hope y'all like it and maybe i can get some advice. :}
map looks ok, little open, i played and tested, its best with BR's, and a great post might i add, most people only post pics with filter, you did both, good job on the map and the post. GATORSHOES2
You should try putting Integrity at the top so we know what it was supposed to be called right away. You do have a nice layout and It looks great for a first post. You may want to consider adding a weapons list to your post though. And your center structure looks sweet with the filters on.
It has a messy, random feel to it yet it looks like you planned it. I really like it. I also think the orb effects are a good idea because the isn't much cover but with the darkness it should be interesting. 4.5/5 and a dl
I don't know why, but I seem to be incredibly drawn to this map. It looks like the perfect balance of cover and sightlines. I love the filter, most filtered maps put on something like pen & ink that makes the map impossible to play, but gloomy really fits this map. While some people have tried to make a map out of rubble, you are the first to succeed. It's just something about the overall look of the map, map design, and arstistry that makes it feel very bungie-esque. This map reminds me of Halo 2 to the point that if you showed me a screenshot and told me that it was a Halo 2 map, I would have believed you. You get 5/5 and a download from me once I clear up some room. Congrats at being an incredible forger.
At first glance i thought to myself, "did this guy seriously just put a whole bunch of random objects on the grid, merge some together, and call it a map?" But after quick download and investigation, anyone can see that there's more method than madness to this map. I agree with what another user posted before me, that it has a very bungie-esq feeling to it. Sort of reminds me of sanctuary, carefully crafted rubble lol. It has a great DLC feel to it unlike a lot of maps that give you the, "ugh, another forged map" feeling right away. I would love to participate in a playtest if anyone is planning one. Great map, very suprising. EDIT: You've actually inspired me for a new map. I'll be sure to give you credit when i post it!
Cool. I'm very glad that everyone likes it. And when you make that new map, be sure to send me a link :}
Doesn't look half bad! Agreed it may be a little open but it looks like it would be a fun map overall to play on! I'll give it a shot!
Chrius, youve done it agian! You have inspired me to create my own map. I hope you do not mind that i use this idea to create my own map. The map looks great. It doesnt have any complex structures or architectual buildings. Its a map that is simple, yet amazing. Its a pile of rocks. But its one hell of a pile of rocks. 10/10 my friend. P.S. It reminds me of the Achid homeworld (Jiggy Galaxy ;] )
Yeah, I guess it would be like the Achid's homeworld. LOL. Anyway, I bet it would be good for SWAT. I need to get more Live so I can test it out.
The map looks cool! I love the random look of the map when everyone's really saying it was planned. I also like the darkness which is probably a big factor to the gameplay of the map. Great map, 9.5/10
I dl'd this yesterday and for being very simple, it was actually quite fun. I enjoy the open feeling to it and the layout for the cover works very well for SWAT and general Slayer. The only thing that threw me and the people I was playing with off was the darkness. The Gloomy effect doesn't work so well with this map, neither does the very bright light in the center. Also, I think it would be better with a bridge or raised platform in the center as a go-to point for Oddball / King of the Hill. I really enjoy playing this though, aside from the few little tidbits I explained above. It's very fun and SWAT can get pretty intense on it.
i just have a question, it appears that you have several small movable objects such as damaged columns and tiny blocks merged into your structures, dont they just fly out when you touch them? if not, how did you solve that problem, every time i try they come out of where i merged them when i touch them. anyways, great aesthetics so ill give you a 5/5 for that, ill have to get a few friends together later and test out gameplay.
Oh, I just added those small structure is around, they're not actually merged together. It's the flat blocks and regular stone columns that are merged. And if you guys want to send any of those test clips my way, i'd really appreciate it.
Yeah nice crazy map thats very different to others...i also feel the gloomy fx is really effective so you have no idea whats coming round the next corner. Great querkey map 4/5!
I checked the map out for a longer portion, and my only problem is the corners get wayyyy dark. It can be a little hard to play in the "base" type areas