-Residence- It seems that even in these ancient times a wealthy class existed. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Residence is a 3 story map built entirely in the Crypt. The idea comes from trying to capture a mansion/courtyard type of feel. It is a medium sized, symmetrical map that supports all gametypes. The weapons and items are as follows: Battle Riflex6 Maulerx1 Plasma Pistolx2 Brute Shotx1 Needlerx2 Sniper Riflex1 Shotgunx1 Flamethrowerx1 Equipment: Power Drainx1 Regeneratorx1 Active Camox1 Overshieldx1 Vehicles: Ghostx1 Now, on to the pictures! Bottom floor window room. A battle rifle is located here. The fountain, capable of launching you to the otherwise unreachable top of each base. Flying to the top of the base where the fountain launches you. A battle on the stairs. The ghost breaking out of what I refer to as "The Stable" The beautifully colorful Sniper Tower. There is a price to pay for camping in the Shotgun Room. Directly above is the flamethrower and a hole to shoot down from. In order to make the map less spread out I have added these two ramps. Also, I threw in a mauler just because I felt like it. ;-) Alright, that is about all there is to say. I hope you enjoy Residence and have as good a time as I did making it. Have fun and give me some feedback!
Looks like a great map. The fountain is cool and I llike the feeling of height you used in the crypt. I would've maybe lked to see a bridge or something between the two tops of the bases to avoid any long range BR campfests, but that's just me
Thanks for the feedback. I actually originally intended for a bridge or two but due to budget constraints had to sacrifice it. However, the fountain makes it quite easy to jump to the enemy base and bring the fight to them should they br camp.
It does look pretty good, and you did a good job with the interlocking and such, but i am not to sure the gameplay would be that great, seems to spread out. Anyway pretty good job, 3/5 keep on forging.
Thanks. I agree that it is spread out and now I added two ramps below the sniper tower, as you can see in the last picture. I think this will fix much of the spread out issue.
I'm gonna DL this as soon as possible. this is a beautiful map, judging by the screenshots. I tried to make something like this before, and FAILED. It's good to see someone take my idea and actually forge it well. (BTW, I am in no way taking credit for this idea. sorry if I sounded like that.) Anyway, awesome map. looking forward to more in the future.
Looks like a nice map! I like the building around the edges they look as though they would make for some excellent close quarter gameplay. The mancannon "fountain" seems like it would be good fun! The only thing i dislike is the middle wooden plank structure that looks sloppily made.Sceenshots with a greater field of view would have been nice too.3.5/5 Great job! and keep on forging
Thanks for the positive feedback and for bringing the plank structure to my attention. I'll be sure to straighten it out next time I am on.
For anyone who plays this map, I would greatly appreciate if you would give me some tips on how to fix the spawning. I don't fully understand how it works and it seems that most of the time the players don't even spawn at the correct starting point. Speaking of which, I fixed some of the spawns and discovered 3 hidden ones I had covered up. Also, I added a deployable grav lift at the fountain and straightened the wooden plank square structure in the middle.