[/URL] This my ride i pimped it now show me your pimped up ride see if you can beat mine. Thanks to all in screenie!!
great pic and also all i can say is that i can't pimp out my ride more so congrats. 6/5 because this pic is just so epic
Thanks, i knew it was gunna look alot better once people started to help take the screenshot but i couldnt get the tank pimped one as i could find it in my profile on hs.net =( Ninja
WAIT NO! YOU MUST PUT IT IN XZIBIT FORMAT Yo Dawg, I heard you like (x), so we put (x) in your (y) so you could (x) while you (y).
It's more of a contest than anything else, he's challenging us to create our horribly thrown together vehicles.
I got a good one: It's even got that flourescent light under it that chavs have on their cars. It's called the Armoured Hog.
haha oooh. my bad, i didnt mean to post this reply, i thought some people were advertising here so i was 'bout to yell at them my bad, but nice redneck vehicles hahah
Epic, I love your tuner-esque 'Hog! I love it! Gamer, you really need to post on the positive side, I think everytime I see you post its negative towards whatever that thread is about. Just like hopefully your mama said, if you don't have somthin nice to say don't say it all. Which in laymans terms means, shut the **** up if ya not nice! =D