Erytharbic get it here--- This map is another one I made out of complete boredom. Symmetrical Works for CTF, Oddball, Team Slayer, KOTH, and Territories. It is designed like an MLG map, because I like those types of maps... >.< Origin of name- A friend told me to name it after something off of the back of a soda can, I found this on the back of Mtn Dew. (Except Halo 3 wouldn't let me name it Erythorbic because it has the word "hor" in it.) [thanks to Swiftmaster 30, Chunkmachin 99, SublimeIbanez for screenies and IDiversity for helping move stuff from top to bottom. Please rate and comment. -weapon list- Battle Rifle x16 Sniper Rifle x1 Plasma Pistol x2 Rocket Launcher x1 (spawns in after 90s) Covenant Carbine x7 Mauler x2 8 frags 8 plasmas v.Screenies.v PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU FIND ANY PROBLEMS retsaE ggE
Well it looks to me like you have a fairly good map here. Line of sight isn't too bad, your map is very smooth and you obviously spent some time on it. However you do seem to be lacking a bit of spawn cover so I could see spawn killing becoming a problem on your map judging they will come out of the building or the other corner in the tube. The top of the bridge is also a bit open for me for its long length even for MLG. You do however have nice weapon placement that promotes map controll and teamwork. Overall my issues are all a bit minor and things your nice floor design and weapon placement overpower. Nice job you have my DL ill rate after a few matches.
I think the map has a creative layout. Personally I wuold suggest more cover areas towards the walls, and just a tad of cleaning up some of the walls. Other then that you got yourself a great map. 3.5/5
This map does look like a pretty good map but as for gameplay it looks like sightlines are to big and the map seems to spread out. Other than that it looks like a very good map, interlocking wise and it looks like you spent alot of time on this. 3/5 for me, good job and keep on forging.
your map looks like it had very little planning. it has very few base "structures" and is primarily pieces of cover strewn across the crypt. i like that you're interested in MLG, but your map doesn't have near the complexity as the likes of Amplified and Lockdown. If you want to get better at producing MLG maps, start small. Wall off half of the crypt and build a level that has variations of height. Most of your map is ground level. Think of maps like the Pit or Hang em High. These maps have a lot of variations in the Z-axis, and it leads to a far more fun game when all your fights are not on the same level as you.
Your right, it did have very little planning, as I said, I made it out of complete random boredom, I wasn't trying to even accomplish anything with this map, just to put it on forge hub, I hope you understand.