Im making a map and have created sevral ways to be propelled to a floating base, however i cant seem to make the floating base have an even floor, any ideas?
So-called floater-locking is something I still struggle with. The best way I've found to do it is to: 1) Use blocks, not walls. Walls go crooked after saving for some reason if they're flat. blocks don't 2) Save & quit a support object underneath the first object you float. Then place the next object on top of that support object and interlock it with the first object. 3) Rinse and repeat
this is how racetracks that are floating are made. Basically you float it at a certain height that you want. then place a wall on top of the block, half-way on half-off. Then place any object that will tell you were the object is. THen make it not spawn and start a new round. Then go to the floating wall and place the next box under the wall and place it past the marker of the un-spawned box. then save-quit float it. after you restart the game it will be at the same level, and thus it will be smooth.
Its complicated but it can be done. Im gonna assume you are working on Avalanche ok On the flattest part of the ground suspend a bridge in the air with a box. From there you will need to do a lot of saving and quiting. Delete the box under the bridge ( O make sure the bridge is upside down) and spawn a box or wall on top of the bridge that is now suspended in the air Use that box as a guide line to make another bridge next to the first one you put down by holding the bridge under the box next to the first bridge. Let me know if u dont understand