Sandbox Zanaris

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DKsavage99, May 5, 2009.

  1. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
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    Semi-symmetrical SWAT
    [Go easy on me, it is my first Sandbox map]

    This is basically an almost symmetrical SWAT map in the underground of Sandbox, with small bases only used for reference.
    The middle is fairly open, but contains obstacles to hide behind.

    Red Side of Zanaris


    Blue Side of Zanaris

    Some More Pics:




    Although this map does not really look like much, it plays fairly well.
    Since it is my first map, i am looking for ideas on how to improve this map, and what good ideas are for other Sandbox maps.


    #1 DKsavage99, May 5, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  2. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    The astetics of this map are super fantasticle. Yes I know thats not a word. As the name says this does look like a sweet map for swat. I don't like SWAT but it is fun to play w/friends. You maybe could add a little bit more pics to give the feel to the map and maybe a weapones list. Other than that nice job on the map 3.5/5
    #2 Ix Massacre xxI, May 5, 2009
    Last edited: May 5, 2009
  3. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    This looks pretty good, and yeah I like all the cover. I'll download and try it out once I download 8 other sandbox maps haha. But no seriously there needs to be a new sandbox swat map because tundra just is not good at all.
  4. x IVIonst3rrr x

    x IVIonst3rrr x Ancient
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    Nice map. i like the layout of it and there seems to bee enough cover to not get pwned. I like your asthetics. On your next post try to add more pics, it gives us a better feel of your map and more people will DL. 4/5. keep it up.
  5. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    nice map, SWAT is alot of fun toplay...unless its xobx live with a ba dconnection but anyways, it looks like there is a good amount of cover. Maybe even add some more to it with/on other ojects to add some more asthetics. It be nice to have call out locations made if some new pictures get posted up, that could help the team. but great job with the map, i agree with Br0flc0pter that there should be better SWAT maps.
  6. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    This SWAT map has to be my favorite by far. When I played it, 4v4, it was amazing. The center structure is set up beautifully, as well as both the red side and the blue side bases. Excellent job.
  7. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I put some new pics up, as well as edited the map a bit
    i don't think there was much that i edited, so there is probably no need to re-download
  8. a sharp corner

    a sharp corner Ancient
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    good map but the only thing is that you posted in casual instead of competitive. just change that i love the map though
  9. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    *Moved to Competitive Maps*

    In the future you should just pm a staff member to move your thread instead of re-posting it in a different section.
  10. Funface

    Funface Ancient
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    I agree, the astectics are very cool looking. And this looks like a fun SWAT map. I like how there is actually cover to get behind. But I don't think there needs to be a weapons list(Considering this is SWAT). Cool map! 4/5
    #10 Funface, May 10, 2009
    Last edited: May 10, 2009
  11. WBecci

    WBecci Ancient
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    Not sure if anyone else noticed this or not, but isn't Zanaris the name of a city in RuneScape?

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