this was a weird glitch and happened accidentally i dont know why i didnt get kicked out the game but i was playing offline you can see from the ending i was in matchmaking comments with ideas of why i didnt get sent out or just comment
SAME EXACT THING HAPPENED TO ME IN MULTI TEAM 2 WEEKS AGO. Is that when this happened? It is a funny glitch, though. I wonder how it works...
How do we know it wasn't a system link? Well, I've never system linked before, so I don't know that's different, but still.
u can tell its not a system link because we come out into the matchmaking bit where u can party up. also this happened on may 9th
This happened to me aswell. I was racing against my friend on standoff then this message comes up and says dissconected from XBL but I'm still in his game.
It says you're signed out, but you're not sometimes. as soon as you try to sign back in it disconnects you. I actually got the "Disconnected from Xbox Live" message whilst in MM without being pulled out of the game. But when I tried to reconnect I got pulled out. What were you actually playing in MM? Pistols SWAT-style?
yea i was actually still in matchmaking and i didnt get pulled out and after i signed back in my rank went up to 13 lololololol it was really funny and you get an amazing connection when that happenes cuz your not connected so its like playing local it was really random
SHOOP DA WHOOP thats me in that game yea all it said was that berk left the party chat, then at the end of the game he dissapeared.
This has been happening to me for the last few days. Glad to hear it's not just me; I'll be looking into it further.
send me a message if you find any reasoning behind this occurence because its happened about 3 to 4 times now and its starting to get irritating