Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door That game was so comfusing, I gave up since I fought the final boss so many times. I thought the fight would end soon, but never did. I made a new profile on the game, but just use that profile to stay in the city and rank up until I'm at the level to beat the boss. Gave up since it took to long and I wanted to start on a new game.
Saints Row 2. Not the whole game, just some of the factions. After I defeated the dude with the samuri sword and blew up the casino, I thought that would of surely ended them. But I was of course wrong or I wouldn't be posting here
I recently DLed Halo CE for my 360's HDD. Glitches aside (such as seeing through the ground when you go down a steep hill in a vehicle) the campaign is really dragging on. I keep getting ****ing lost. Stupid repetitive corridors of The Library...
The Library on Legendary is one of the Longest Levels the Halo Universe has to offer, considering how you have to keep retreating or face annihilation.
Black for the original Xbox. It seems so long to me (mainly because I suck at it). It would probably be a little different if I were actually good at it, but from the first time I played it the levels seemed to never end, and they always felt the same. Not to mention the fact that the enemies will soak up an entire AR clip unless you hit a headshot, which was pretty damn hard to do. I eventually just got tired of the repetition
Man I loved Black, It was one of the Best Games I had played at the time. Except I never beat so I was sad and sold it because levels didn't have much replay value.
It took FOREVER to get to a save point on black. That's why it took so long, because a lot of people got tired before it gets to a save point...