I disagree unless you are talking Forge. The only good thing that came out of the Heroic pack was forging on foundry. Rat's Nest just isn't a very good BTB map and doesn't really have any other purpose. Standoff looked amazing and fun, but the warthogs dominate the map because it is way too open. Since it is so open, it doesn't have a sniper, and the only effective maps without snipers are small ones. Foundry's basic layout was complete crap, but Forging is what saved the map pack. This map pack might not have much Forging material (maybe Avalanche if we are given tool to block off sections), but the gameplay is going to be sweet. I am hope, so you don't need to copy the text from the blackout page on bungie. Not that anyone was going to put it here for me anyway.
Are you serious? I thought Standoff and Rat's Nest was very fun. Theres a lot to combat vehicles and Rat's Nest combines both close, long, and vehicle warfare.
Exactly. If I get in forge and go into the monitor, and get stopped by an invisible wall (or should I say ceiling?) I'll probably be a bit mad.
I'm gonna do what i did with all the other maps go in them with forge first and yea I will be pissed if it has a short invisible roof.
Thi is going to be sweet. Apparently the gravity lift is now a fan... oh well, I am excited. To be honest, I actually liked the Forerunner structure better...
I don't know which I like better. I'm sure I'll get used to new Lockout then go back and play H2 Lockout and It will be very odd.
I love Lockout, this will be great. The only thing that bugs me here is the fact that while it is dark, it isn't moody. That retains the competitive playability, but aesthetically I prefer the original, from the screens.
I did not enjoy either of them at all, but it is all preference. I'm not a big vehicle guy and was hoping for at least one competitive map. The only thing close to a competitive map was foundry because of forge. It is all opinion, but I can't understand how you can say the first map pack was loads better like E93 even if you like forging and vehicles. Sidewinder and Lockout were classics, and hopefully, Ghost Town will go further than the looks (unlike Standoff).
blackout is not for infection why wont people get that in there head . "gosh freaking idots" . its for the competitive fan's .
I disliked pretty much every H3 map. But I'm liking what I see in this map pack. I do however like Narrows, Construct & Guardian.
I agree, and although I realize it's a new game, I would always embrace any H1 or H2 map (especially H2 due to the magnum to BR conversion which makes maps like Hang 'Em High not as fun on H3) with open arms. I really only like the Pit and Construct for all gametypes. BR's on most maps is fine like Guardian, and snipers on big maps is fine too. The maps are the only thing H1 and H2 have on Halo 3 which is why I don't go back to the old games. The good thing is that over time Halo 3 has the potential to have good maps, unlike Halo 2's ability to have a veto option or something. This map pack is definitely a start in the right direction. Personally, for future map packs, I would like to see one small competitive map (most likely symmetrical), one mid sized level, and one large map. I would like to see one of those 3 be a remake in each one, so you have a remake for one of the sizes. And, then, the other two sizes are original. That way we would receive a variety of classics, and at a certain point, we would run out of popular old large maps and would have enough of them. The fortunate thing for a competitive player like me is in a year or so most if not all of the casual players will have moved on to another game. So, in that case, Bungie could cater more maps towards competitive, while at the moment, they are focusing on the casual to try to keep as many customers as possible. I read the MLG forums every once and a while, and it is very sad the way they are treating Bungie about the Lockout remake. They were all hoping for a remake, and when it came, they found areas to complain about. Bungie cares so much that they created a playlist for them and created this map with them in mind as they made it nearly the same with all of the exploits for the MLg'ers. They even had cronos and Frankie on their board and weren't giving them any gratitude. They were being so self centered that after all Bungie gave them in a playlist and map that they thought Bungie didn't care about them. Who can blame Bungie for bringing back a popular map that was suited for casual and competitive gamers alike?
I am not making them all out to be jerks, but it surprised me the respect they showed Bungie (or lack thereof) especially when there are employes on their board that have a say in things. To me, whining to Frankie isn't exactly a good approach to bring back Midship and Warlock or what not. Some points they brought up were respectable, but some of the complaints were ridiculous. They were whining that the BR tower was too short and the Library window being taken out. When in reality, that part of the map was too dominant anyway when you shot the sniper over at the beginning, grabbed the sword, possibly the shotgun too, and headed up to the BR tower.
trust me they are jerks there alot like crookd makeing fun of some one's rank just because they cant find a decent partner to play with.
Its funny to see people complain about the dumbest things especially before they even play the map. Right now I'm saying this map looks great but I can't tell you how it plays & neither can the MLG kids. Because they haven't played it yet. Something else I think thats funny is the B.net kids. "OMG I didn't want a remake" after weeks and weeks of "OMG if it isn't Lockout I'm gonna /wrist". =)
2 Comments to that: 1. Thanks for contributing to the topic at hand (shhhtop spamming!) 2. I agree. Now, lets get on topic! I agree with Shock. The aesthetics of the origional were better, but this one will be great. I think they changed it becasue Avalanche is snowy, too...