
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Iv0rY Snak3, Mar 25, 2008.

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  1. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    +++Download Here+++


    Observation is a medium sized, symmetrical map that is built for symmetrical gametypes (duhh...) and territories. the basic layout of the map is:
    each team spawns in the back area of foundry at the beginning of the game, there is no way to access the other side through the back corridor, and there is nothing in the back corridor or the small room connected to it.

    in the small back area of the main foundry room there is a small structure that houses a brute shot or needler and two tunnels. one tunnel simply curves around the spine of foundry and leads round to the other base, it holds two smg's and a power drain. the other tunnel contains a carbine and leads to a man cannon which propels you up to the "observation area", this is basically just a small room the size of a double box with windows overlooking the open area of foundry and a fence wall dividing it in half so that the two teams can shoot each other but no melee is involved there is a BR on each side. you can access the top of the tunnel by walking across the two sideways bridges which are connected to the default elevated area.

    on each side of the main area there is a small barrier "room" which is based on the column catwalks from lightsout's battle mound level, i loved the idea so i tried to incorporate it into my map, there is a BR in each one. on top of the tunnel that curves around the spine there are three open double boxes and six sets of stairs leading down to the ground. in one of the double boxes there is a mauler, and just out side each of the other two there is an smg.
    the bridge here leads to the central tower which contains a second mauler and is connected to the two sniper hills. the sniper hills are each two boxes high, they have sniper (obviously) on each one with a high respawn time and only one extra clip, there is a single small barrier up the top and you can easily jump to the main structure via jumping on the in ground boxes that house the plasma rifles. there are three ways to get up to the sniper tower

    1. simply walk up the stairs near the wall and along the bridge (under these bridges there is a power-up) and up the ramp into the sniper tower

    2. jump on the in-ground box then up on to the bridge and run up the ramp.

    3. use the central bridge to get across and then run up the ramp.

    the top area is easily grenadable so as to avoid camping and in extreme cases you can use a grenade/buddy jump to get up there without using the ramp.

    that is the basic layout of the map, it'll all make sense once you see the screenshots which are....




    ..... here!


    the central structure that is based around the spine of foundry on top is the observation are


    on the left is one of the sniper tower/hills, there is one directly opposite this and just beneath it is a power up


    this shows the small column structure and some of the back area.


    just the part under the bridge, on the left is the stairs up to the sniper hill, you can also clearly see the in-ground double boxes


    so as you can see i have spent a considerable amount of time on this map so please rate and download, here is another link

    +++Download Here+++
  2. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    looks as though you spent some time on this

    it also looks as though it paid off

    we will see
  3. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    man, that was a quick reply, and i spent quite a bit of time testing the map so it should work well.
  4. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Looks good.
  5. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I really like the layout of this map. It looks really good. All except that boxy structure where the stairs conveine, I just doesn't seem to me like it is worthy to accompany the rest of this nice map.
  6. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    yeah i know it's not the most aesthetically pleasing thing ever but it plays well, i am thinking about changing it but i was running out of resources so there weren't many options left
  7. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Looks brilliant! Cannot wait to try this out. I love the way you use the center beam to form something around it.
  8. Supergooseberry

    Supergooseberry Ancient

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    I disagree, it is very aestheticly pleasing! good work!
  9. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    thanks the interlocking took a while and i had o do it twice cause of the goddamn 32 round cap but it worked out so that there is aa minimal bump when changing surfaces

    ps. i was thinking of adding another power weapon, probably a shotgun, to the map because currently there is just the snipers. can anyone who has played it give me ideas on placement
  10. Supergooseberry

    Supergooseberry Ancient

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    I'll try my best to get back to you on that. ( I would put a mauler instead, not as overpowered. But don't feel obligated, it is your map)
  11. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i already have 2 maulers on the map so i'm not going to place a third but thanks for your opinion.

    P.S i am amazed the last map i posted took two weeks to even reach ten posts but this one did it in a day
  12. buff jack

    buff jack Ancient
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    that's because it looks major awsome . a sword maybe .
  13. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    yea that would be a possibility because parts of the map are so open that it wouldn't be the major killing machine that it normally iz, thanks and i think i know just where to put it....

    I'm not going to update the map for a while for two reasons

    1. no xbox (damn you RRoD!)

    2. placing one weapon isn't enough of a change to warrant an update but if anyone has any suggestions on ways to improve it they would be greatly appreciated
  14. buff jack

    buff jack Ancient
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    yeah slice an dice. i just had to say it but yeah ill DL one's i get back on .
  15. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    ok cool just so you know i was planning on placing the sword in either
    the small corridor that goes between the bases on the ground floor
    or in the open box under the central bridge
    any suggestions?
  16. Mr.Idiot

    Mr.Idiot Ancient
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    man, this looks waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than your other maps, i would personally like a shotgun but not having played this map i'm not sure how well it'll work
  17. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    thanks, i guess, i think i'll place the sword though, it just seems to fit in with the rest of the map

    Hooray 2 Pages!
  18. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Looks pretty neat, if not a little untidy in areas. I love the basic shape though. Very well made.
  19. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    yea could you specify which areas? if it's the central part with the observation area i know and i am working on finding a better way to do it, but if it's something else tell me.

    Hooray! Hot Topic!
  20. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    Looks nice, I like the back part of the map the part the observation area looks out to.
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