Theres a new chance to get Recon. This time you need to take screenshots (MUST BE PLAYED, AND TAKEN TODAY!!) on the dxp weekend playlist Mythic Brawl. The shots must show how hectic games can get, not how well you can make effects. Here are my submissions for the contest (these are all in game); Gritt Lovely Canvas Mosh! (Crowd Control) Phazon Peekaboo Please, criticism and comments are wanted. Plus you can only Submit SIX screenshots and they must all be tagged, Brawl.
OHHHH, I thought that they only supported mythic maps, simply because of the name. SOZ, I assumed because I haven't played it yet, and I don't really intend to.
The first one is the only one that seems pretty hectic to me. Not that the rest are bad though. I took some pictures for this and really had no inspiration. I wanted to get some pictures with a whole bunch of people fighting bit they all ended up being mongoose mowdown pictures, haha.
I know, it's really hard to get some good shots in such a short time. Why couldn't Bungie make it till Sunday?
Meh. Your shots are okay, but do they really capture the "essence" of Mythic Brawl, like the contest rules say they should? Could these screenshots have been taken in any other playlist? Bungie is looking for screens that really represent the Mythic Brawl playlist, and these, unfortunately, could be taken anywhere.