Me and my friend have been having this debate for a long time. Do you like open bases or enclosed ones, i personally like enclosed bases here is some examples of what i mean This is an enclosed base This is an Open base (all these pictures are from my new map which i haven't found a name for yet)
I believe open bases are better, because I think it gives an aesthetic feel and illusion of being able to see a lot, but still being safe. I'm not claustrophobic or anything, but I favor open bases more. Cannon Fodder is right about enclosed bases and opened bases.
*Moved to Halo Discussion* Left unlocked so you all may now carry out the conversation. Which does everyone here prefer? Open, or Closed Bases?
I prefer open because closed bases make it easy to shotgun camp doorways. I hate camping, it is the most boring way to play a game.
Ah, but a good mapmaker will design ways around the shotty camp problem eg: simply not placing a shotgun.
AHAHAHhahahah Loved it Well, in terms of cost, open bases generally cost less, function better, have more lines of sight, and look better AND are less of a pain to make perfect than closed bases. Open bases, but with as many 1:1 / lines of sight : cover
I prefer a two level base that has an enclosed level at the bottom that transitions into an open one at the top and has a couple ways in to prevent camping at one area. This way you keep the lines and also have a safe spawn area.
I prefer open bases, as they limit shotgun camping and usually provide safety, yet visibility, so you can see whose coming.
I'm a fan of enclosed bases with multiple entryways (Standoff!). What I always do on CTF on Standoff is rip off the turret, and bring it into where the 2 plasma grenades spawn in the base (the room where the main room, back-entry, and side-entry meet.) People usually don't expect someone with a turret there, so they don't chuck grenades in before they go, and I usually score a double or triple kill. And even better, Standoff has cover on top of it, so you can crouch behind the sandbags or barricades, giving you GREAT visibility and safety (until an enemy warthogs drives behind your base, of course!)
Closed depending on gametype and map size. For eg If you want a map that you dont want the people escaping then you close it, only because it ruins gameplay otherwise, but when you have an unphysical barrier, like kill walls or timed kills then yeah then open bases and also if you want a whole map accesible with bases on then shure open. But tbh maps are very good when they are open and closed, such as landing pad (enclosed where you escape and open where you die if you fall out, GREAT COMBO) and cliffside (enclosed where you can get back into the map but no roof and 2 large walls open to a great view and a timed kill if you try to escape ;p) Thats my thoughts..