How to keep a positive attitude for both yourself and your teammates in MLG, and use it to your advantage. As almost anyone who plays MLG knows, it can be very frustrating at times. There can be games where you are constantly getting out-BR'd, your teammates aren't pulling their weight, or the game is lagging. In all of these situations, it's natural to get angry. It's perfectly fine to get mad while playing, but if you let it get out of hand it will negatively affect how you play. When you resort to yelling into your mic, you let your teammates know you're frustrated and it will rub off on them and affect how they play as well. The obvious solution to this is to do everything within your power to stop yourself, and your teammates, from getting mad. Here are a few things to keep in mind, and can also be used to help keep your teammates heads in the game instead of up their ass. 1) Remember that it's just a game. Always remember when playing Halo, that it's just a game. Dieing in Halo doesn't constitute dieing in real life, so there is no need to get upset about it. Sure it's okay to occasionaly swear when you die, but letting it distract you will only make yourself, and your teammates, play worse. If you find yourself stressing out everytime you die, just remind yourself that how good you do in Halo won't determine how well you do on your next exam, or whether or not you get a promotion next week. It means nothing outside of the game, so there is no reason to get mad about it. Getting too mad while you play and taking things out of hand may make the people you're playing with think you are actually mad at them for doing something wrong, and it may cause them to not want to play with you anymore. 2) There's always a next time. Whenever you die, you always respawn. This means there will be another chance for you to out-BR that 50, or to get back the sniper you just gave to the other team when you died. Whatever happens isn't the end of the world, and it's important to keep that in mind when you play. When you watch Pro players play, they never get angry, and if they do it's only for half a second, and then they're back in the game. Always give yourself a second chance at something, because very few people have ever succeeded their first try... at anything. 3) Keep a positive attitude. Staying positive while you play Halo is crucial. The more optimisitc you are, the better you will play. If you are upset that you're loosing, it causes you to spend less time thinking about what to do next because you're thinking about how mad you are. It's a never ending downward spiral that causes you to play worse and worse. These disimprovements can include forgetting about your straffe, loosing track of times on weapons, or even not waiting for your teammates to respawn before you push. If you stay positive and always encourage yourself and your teammates, everyone will naturally play better. Ever wonder how teams come back when they're down 3-0 on Onslaught? They stay positive, and build off their momentum. They work together, and use eachother's momentum to their advantage. On the opposite side of this, don't get down if your lead starts to slip away. Restrain from yelling at your teammates, and encourage them instead. Anytime you notice someone gets a double kill or a snipe, over exagerate how important it was. Tell them "Nice Double!", even if you saw all they did was shoot a rocket around the corner. Always remind your teammates how well they're doing, even if they're doing terrible. This will keep everyone positive and will make your teammates and yourself play to your full potential. 4) Play confidently. Remaining confident while you play is similiar to staying positive, but is a little different. You can play knowing that every 1v1 situation you get in you will loose, and still have a positive attitude about it. It's important that you are confident as well as positive in those 1v1 situations, or else you won't be effective. Never mistrust your decisions, and don't second-guess yourself. Believe that you are the best Halo player ever, and you will play like it. 5) DO NOT blame your teammates for anything. This is possibly the most vital tip to live by while playing Halo. It relates to all other 4 topics, and can relate to real life as well. When you blame your teammates for something, you're letting them know that you think it's there fault they did something wrong. Yelled and ridiculing them will only make them play worse, and is something you want to avoid at all costs. Blaming your teammates for something will only make them think about that one time they did something wrong, and they will forget to put mistakes behind them so they can move on. It will always be in the back of their head, and will affect how confidently they play. The more that you blame your teammates, the worse their attitude, and yours as well, will become. The worse the attitude of the team as a whole is, the worse it will perform. As mentioned before, this all leads in a downward spiral and will cause the team to play less confidently, and ultimately loose a game it shouldn't have. Blaming your teammates, your friends, or family members is the worst thing you can do in both Halo and real life. Always remember to learn from your mistakes, and stay positive. Doing so will not only help you play Halo better, but also lead an effective life.
Another thing. Don't blame your teammates. When you blame your teammates (or the game for that matter) every 5 seconds, it will make them mad. They will start yelling at you and that will make you mad. So basically, Your team is pissed off and can't focus now and you will probably get rocked.
I don't really agree with any of that. If you just play it off as no big deal then why are you in the MLG playlist? It is for competitive players, players that are trying to make pro status. If you just act like its not bit deal and doesnt matter then why would you waste your time with the game? "2) There's always a next time. Whenever you die, you always respawn." Very true statement. But having that attitude while playing MLG Team Slayer yeah.. you will get steaktacted. Good guide I guess as long as you don't care about winning. Im not saying cussing at your teammates will help win but it will let them know that you are taking this seriously and they should also.
You're missing the point. Novak's not just saying 'Halo is just a game, remember it and don't care about it', he's offering tips on how to win. And I do actually agree with them. Mental game is so much of a huge factor in MLG 4v4, same with team play. If you're bashing your teammates' play throughout a game, not only are they gonna dislike you, disrupting the team chemistry and tearing your dynamic apart in the middle of a game, but it's also gonna get them second guessing every decision they make. Talking with team mates after a match, discussing what you think they may have done wrong or could improve on, and having them do the same to you, in an open, honest and non confrontational atmosphere, is key in any team that wants to improve. But badgering your team mates constantly during games, criticising as opposed to advising, getting down on your whole team, sometimes only because you aren't playing your best and are getting frustrated, can and will lose you games, I honestly don't see how you can't get the relevance of this to winning games as a team. And the whole point Novak made about confidence kinda debases your criticisism of the 'there's always next time' point. Being able to shrug off being out-BR'd is one thing, but if it's happening every time then you need to work on your BR, that's obvious. But if you die, then respawn only being able to think about how you shouldn't have died, guess what's gonna happen to you on that respawn? Yeah, you're going to get decked because you're not thinking straight. The point Novak is making is that you shouldn't get worked up over something that's said and done. You got out-BR'd, deal with it, move on and put it out of your mind when you respawn, or you're going to let the negative attitude from one single death carry through the entire game, severely hurting your mental and team game in the process. Sure you should always be looking back at your own performances and be looking at what you did wrong, what you could do better, but the time for that is after a game, when you've calmed down and can evaluate your actions from a detached, whole game perspective. Beating yourself up after getting killed will only hurt your chances in the rest of the game, the chance to turn it around, and if you let that happen then it's your own fault. So yeah, Novak isn't just telling people to chill here, he's giving useful advice on how to win. You can be as beast a slayer as you like, but if you don't think that team play, mental game and having a balanced, calm attitude in game will help you massively then good luck going any further than Online Warrior.
When I play MLG, I really wish people would go by this guide. Peg knows what I mean, because yesterday we were playing some MLG customs and a unanimous individual on our team just kept on flaming and flaming. People need to understand that its a game. You can still play competitively, but your whole emotional stature shouldn't really be effected by MLG to the point that you're insulting other people. When people start complaining on my team, my drive to win becomes much dimmer than in the beginning of the game. People aren't going to win; that's life. Blaming stuff on your teammates isn't going to make the game you're playing any better, and that's a 100% money back guaruntee from me. Great guide.
I'm pretty sure Shiska did not incorporate MLG in Halo 3 matchmaking because he thought that it would be a chance for people to make "pro status." Novak/Peggy/Raynne are correct. Tis a game and thus, you shouldn't get mad if you get a our BR'ed or No-scoped. It's ok to be competetive, but you shouldn't criticize or get mad because you lost. Staying positive always keeps your mind straight and to the objective at hand.
This is very true..however instead of reminding yourself you'll always respond. Having this attitude will get you Steak'ed...You the key to winning is uniting with your team by Callouts, Pushes, and more Callouts, along with grabbing the power weapons...Staying alive is cruicial in a ONS CTF match or perphaps any other playlist.
No one...Trust me. No one thinks of Halo 3 as a game when in MLG. If you do one thing wrong you obviously need to kill yourself, 1v1 that certain player, or die in a hole. That's just how it is. I appreciate how you want us to keep Positive attitudes but It turns out I do and I try to keep it that way.
Positive Attitude's get you killed. Negative Attitude's get you killed. If you couldn't care less, you are better off.
It's people with attitudes like yours make it hard to level up going in by yourself in MLG. If you "don't care" then you can't win, above 40 you have to at least try a little bit or else you'll get destroyed. You have to have at least some emotion to be willing enough to call out and help spawn your team.
I didn't say anything about you not caring. Of course you need to or else you're going nowhere. But I was just stating the fact that no one in MLG keeps a postive attitude (few do) THey always complain and sometimes they can be dicks.
Remember: Its Xbox Live, it will lag, your shots wont be registered some times and you cant do nothing about it. Except maybe buying a crazy good and expensive internet connection, like T2.