the one on foundry was better this one is boring only 1 bubble shield and some boring deploys and then its too short need to be longer you placed the things wrong just like if the sniper only needs to hold his aim at one point and if somebody would walk then he doesnt have any change getting through this version sucks to my opinion the most bad thing about it is that its too short
Only 1 Bubble Shield? 2 Bubble Shields 1 Deployable Cover 1 Flare AND I have just updated it so its now longer! "you placed the things wrong just like if the sniper only needs to hold his aim at one point and if somebody would walk then he doesnt have any change getting through this version sucks to my opinion" He doesnt have any change getting through this version sucks to my opinion? Learn GRAMMAR.
i like this map i have only seen a few duck hunts on sandbox but this one is the best. i like the layout of the map and how youset it up. im gunna download this map and try it out, it also looks like you forged it well too. 4/5
I tried to make the map easy for the eyes to look at. No weird and confusing corners, just straight up running.
hmm it looks nice and how a duck hunt map should be set up except for the fact that you have some cover in the middle of the ducks' path. I for one find it very difficult to avoid getting sniped when you have useless cover. I suggest simply moving the things sitting in the middle of the path out to the side so it isn't in the way. Edit: actually the paths are fine lol. The first pick it kind of loks like things are in the way, but after reviewing the rest of the pictures there is no problem. Good Job on the map!
Thanks! 2.3 Will be released soon fixing some issues. Ive added a new version - V2.5 by a fan of the map!
-1 for an effect? He put an effect to make the game look better. Geese, if you don't like effects it so much than just delete it. He even put it in an easily noticeable spot! i guess my only complaint is the stupid comment you placed. i don't like stupid comments...anyway! 0/5
The effect makes the map look A LOT better than it would look without it - anyways - theres a new version of Kryticate's DuckHuntin'!V2.5 map. Its been updated to the thread.