4 Levels V2 Created by ????????? Supported Gametypes: Infection Map Description First off For the love of god don't give me an infraction for map theft, I'm not claiming it as my own and I DID NOT MAKE THIS MAP If its already posted then just remove this post I don't want to be "grounded" for a month. I have a perfectly good reason for doing so. That reason is that this is SUCH a great map that I wanted it to be noticed by even a few people here at forge hub I mean its no Avarice or anything but it has wonderful game play, now I haven't seen this map here yet so if it is I'm very sorry for re posting it. If it gets featured please don't credit it to my account i really don't deserve it for I didn't make the map. Now that that's over with I would like to get to the map itself. It's basic design mimics the original 4 levels map made by Bungie (I know bungie didn't make it because it used a budget glitch map). for those of you who haven't played it it is basically an upward spiral. Not much more i can think of at the moment to add to details but what i can say now is that it uses the game type fat kid, in my version the fat kid can pick up weapons, this just makes a 15 minute match turn into a 3-5 minute match. If you don't like it change it yourself. This map doesn't feature a needler because it ruins the crap out of fat kid games, personally i always hate it when people favor the humans waaaay tooo muuuch infection is about SURVIVAL not DOMINATION but on that note i will lead of into the screenshots. zombie spawn [/img] human spawn [/img] hallway [/img] bridge [/img] final area [/img] Constructive criticism only and thanks to whoever made this map. Download 4 levels v2 Download Fat Kid
ok, now that you fixed your pics, i must say it doesnt look THAT bad like those under me have stated. sure, its been done before. the merging looks pretty good, and its not a perfect square building shape, so the person who made this had difference in mind. still, you should get permission to post other peoples' maps.
Hmmmmmmm..... well yea, this has been posted, by the original maker, AND you said at the beginning you DID make this map.... hmmm Don't post a map unless YOU made it. And it says in the description who made the map.....
ok, im fixing it!!!! and it hasn't already been posted here, i searched it and the one that came up isn't it!!!! im working on screenshots and couldn't find the creator anywhere, ive had this map for almost a year so its circulated betweem soo many peoples file shares that it is nigh impossible to find original creator.
Trust me when I say that this is not a great map. It's only great if you suck at Halo 3. 1.) It's a fat kid map and takes forever for him to get up to the top level. If you're playing with smart players, fat kid will never catch anyone. They'll keep dropping to the basement 2.) Every variation of four levels that I've seen encourages spawn killing, including this one. It's god awful and I despise that. I pray to god that anytime someone sets this game up that they become the first zombie... just so they can sit there and get raped between a crossfire of machine gun turrets and plasma turrets in each hallway. Then hopefully they either quit or end the game because of their own stupidity. 3.) What do you need constructive criticism for? You didn't even create the damn map.
OK for starters i mentioned the fact that FAT KID CAN PICK UP WEAPONS which eliminates any reason for him/her to have to walk all the way up i mean really, pick up a sniper/fuel rod/rocket launcher/spartan laser/etc. and blow the **** out of the campers. you can snipe the entire bridge area and final area from the bottom and/or throw grenades if you are fat kid, you can't spawn kill unless you are in the spawn area and the humans are to worried about running away from the fat kid with a rocket launcher than to be sitting there spawn killing, and if someone is spawn killing, boot them, i mean come on, and if you despise fat kid/4 levels that much then do you honestly think in that small little head of yours that i posted this for you!?!? no. i posted it for those who enjoy these kinds of maps as i myself do. if you don't like casual maps go to a different section. you coming here and posting something saying "oh i hate these kinds of maps because of spawn killing" is like me going into race and saying that "oh i hate racing maps because they take no skill whatsoever and are a waste of time" If you really wanted to insult me or make me take my post down you failed miserably but if you tried to piss me off by trying to waste my time and to have me reply letting you know what a fool you just made of yourself then you just damn well succeeded. No credit given, thread locked.