Sandbox Death's Door

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Conkerkid11, May 9, 2009.

  1. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Death's Door is a very unique, competitive medium-sized infection map. Death's Door sports the fun packed delight of On The Way, Right?'s teamwork, and the classic stealthiness of Splinter Cell. In Death's Door, the human population is on the verge of spilling over. You are either a part of the small team of survivors, or you are a zombie. The humans must follow a pathway of mayhem and chaos to reach the end, which is indicated by the purple light. I don't care if you think it's blue, it's purple. Although there is no reward in the end, you don't get an achievement saying "You just beat Death's Door!" You get the pride and honor of finishing what is by far the most difficult journey you will ever encounter. Although the first thing that might come to mind when you start the game up is Manifest, because of the alike starting room. But don't let this fool you, the path to the end will be a much more different experience than that of Manifest. ​

    The humans begin their journey in a small room, with a few weapons and a warthog. Beware though, the warthog is going to blow up in ten seconds. Don't think that just because there appears to be no way out of the room that you cannot escape, the path will be clear after twenty seconds. Don't try camping in this room though, it has been fixed with a geomerged reciever node that the zombies have access to as soon as the warthog vanishes. As you continue along your pathway to freedom, you will encounter many places that I call "Destinations." These destinations are off the trail, but always seem to attract customers because of their sporting weapons, grenades, and cover. Along your pathway, you will also take quick notice of the side barriers, some tall, some short enough for a zombie to jump over. That's right, zombies have access to the entire map because they can jump the barriers, and the humans cannot. Following the destinations I explained earlier, are the abandoned homes that supply the most cover and weapons out of every small destination in the map. There are two abandoned homes located throughout the map. Each located behind your main priority; what I call the L4D elevator scene of Halo 3. At these locations you and your team must survive long enough for the warthog to spawn. The warthog will allow you to jump over the barrier, and continue on your road to success. The rest is up to you, don't flip the warthog, and don't attempt to camp anywhere but the purple light. If you don't follow these simple instructions, it won't be me you'll be afraid of, it'll be the zombies.​

    The zombies journey ended before it started. You, sadly are a dead human, who either started out as a zombie in this whole mess, or became one when you died. Don't feel sorry though, you don't have any feelings! In fact, you don't even have a choice as to what you do anymore, so leave the deciding to the player who is playing you. Now where was I? Oh yes, the zombies. The zombies begin their adventure (Not journey!) off in the middle of the map. The humans cannot reach this section even if they tried, however you can easily access anywhere on the map you want. Just jump over the barrier, and you will start your adventure. Located in your starting area are four teleporters in the order of where they bring you. The one on the left brings you to the first destination for the humans. The one in the middle brings you to the first house. The one on the right brings you near the purple light. And the one located off to the side of the other three brings you to the human starting room. However you won't be able to access it until the warthog vanishes. Each reciever node is geomerged snug into the ground, so they do not get in the way of gameplay, and the humans cannot camp them, because they won't be able to see them. Go for assassinations, be stealthy, and don't get angry when you slice the humans fifty times and they don't die. Their shields don't recharge, and even teamwork is necessary for zombies.​

    Once again, Death's Door is another one of my maps that I had no intention on building. In fact, I was going for an exact remake of Manifest: Help's on The Way, Right? But then realized I had no fence walls. And most of the important stuff on Manifest was made of fence walls. So I began with the starting room for humans. It was tough to build, because I didn't have the advantage of dumpsters, and as most of you might know the objects I replaced the dumpster with were blocks. Blocks are not movable by gravity lifts, and only man cannons. So you see where I ran into a pickle there. When man cannons spawn later in the game, any movable object that is in front of it will not move unless something touches it. So I thought and thought, and came up with the most simple thing ever. Use a man cannon, and have a magnum spawn underneath the blocks when the man cannon does. The magnum moved the block when the man cannon spawned, and my plan unfoiled as planned. I then continued attempting a direct remake of Manifest, and left the remake in spite of all my efforts, and created something new and original. Perhaps if I hadn't mentioned the unplanned part, you wouldn't notice. The path is so unique and complex you can't tell a difference.​

    The year is roughly 2800, and the government isn't improved at all. In fact, the government now is better than in 2800. But that's not the point. The point is that the government felt life was boring. The Earth was at peace with all galactic races. The flood was banished, and all was calm. The government then decided to do what they do best and break this silence the galaxy was in, and spread a virus. A virus so bad it would effect the Earth more than the swine flue in 2012. Of which the only reason the Earth rose in population again from the swine flue was because Hell was so damn overflowed with people, the Devil himself spat everybody who had died of the swine flue back onto Earth. God however, fealt no need to rid Heaven of it's low population of one-thousand people, and kept them to himself. Back onto topic though, the government created this disease, and injected it into a bird. The bird was then to fly to another country and spread it around there. Until this disease was spread throughout the world. Instead, the bird died of age, and it's body landed in a river somewhere in the state of Oregon.​

    A couple years later, the government became weary that the Earth hadn't turned into a giant hellhole, and then created another disease. A disease twice as deadly as the last. The same thing happend however, and the bear they injected it with drowned in a river in the state of Oregon. But this wasn't the end of either disease. The bird's body had been backed up in a stream the entire time, head bobbing up and down in the water. The bobbing caused the bear to swipe at the bird, thinking it was a fish, the bear missed, fell into the water, and drowned. Both animals were then backed up in the river stuck behind a large rock. A young fish swam by one day, took a nibble out of both the bird and the bear, and swam away. The same fish was later cought by a local fisherman, claiming he had cought the most odd looking fish in the world, in fact cought a zombie fish. The fish bit him, he turned into a zombie and bit his wife and kids. And you get where it went from there, right? ​

    I recommend playing with 5-12 players.

    Infection is the only gametype Death's Door plays with. The game plays out exactly like Manifest: Help's On The Way, Right? But a lot longer. And trust me, you are going to have to cooperate with your teammates to get through this one. Death's Door also pulls a few skeletons from it's closet. Such as a ripped off version of the Grindnaut from Manifest. That's in here to. ​

    General Settings
    Initial Zombie Count - 25%
    Number of Rounds - 5
    Time Limit - 5 Minutes​

    Custom Powerup Traits
    Duration - 90 Seconds
    Damage Resistance - 500%
    Shield Multiplier - Normal Shields
    Shield Recharge Rate - 50%
    Damage Modifier - 90%
    Player Speed - 75%​

    Player Gravity - 150%​

    Base Player Traits
    Damage Resistance - 200%
    Shield Multiplier - 3x Overshields
    Shield Recharge Rate - O%
    Damage Modifier - 90%
    Primary Weapon - SMG
    Player Speed - 75%​

    Player Gravity - 200%​

    Motion Tracker Mode - Off​

    Motion Tracker Range - Unchanged​

    Infection Settings
    Zombie Kill Points - 1
    Infection Points - 3
    Last Man Standing Bonus - -5
    Suicide Points - 0
    Betrayal Points - 0​

    Zombie Traits
    Damage Resistance - 500%
    Shield Multiplier - No Shields
    Shield Recharge Rate - 0%
    Damage Modifier - 25%
    Primary Weapon - Energy Sword
    Player Speed - 100%
    Player Gravity - 100%
    Motion Tracker Mode - Normal Mode
    Motion Tracker Range - 10 Meters​

    Every Weapons On Death's Door Is Set To Never Respawn, With 1 Spare Clip.

    3 Assault Rifles
    The worst excuse for an infection weapon since the SMG. Although the assault rifle is better than the SMG, and is a good replacement for it. I would dual wield the SMG anyday over picking up one of these.
    7 Battle Rifles
    The one weapon to conquer them all. You remember how much this weapon dominated in Manifest: Help's On The Way, Right? Well it dominates on this map as well. Don't let the high amount of them get you confused however, this allows for about only one battle rifle per human. With one spare clip. How will you ever survive!?
    6 Shotguns
    During testing I found myself crowded in a corner by zombies with a battle rifle at hand, wishing at the same moment that I had one of these bad boys. Ever find yourself in a tight situation? Get this and a battle rifle, you're geared for life. This and the battle rifle are the two prefered weapons to be used on Death's Door.
    3 Sniper Rifles
    If you're always the guy in the background singing "He.. got.. a.. noooo scoooope!" Then boy are you going to be happy I put three of these on the map. However bad I think these are in infection games, the better they get. It always seems that everybody rushes up the first house's stairs just to get this, then they don't use it.
    4 SMGs
    The starting weapon, although I don't recommend you keeping this if you want to survive longer than the first abandoned home, it's still a good weapon for spread damage. Assisting teammates in kills is still a good thing, right?
    6 Magnums
    If there isn't a battle rifle around, then this should be the next best thing. Sense two of these are located right off the start of the game, I'm sure you won't find an excuse not to pick one up. Unless you suck at earning headshots, then stick with something a little easier to fire. Perhaps something automatic?
    1 Rocket Launcher
    The very last weapon, located at the very last section of the map. The purple section of the map is the most deadly of all. Giving zombies every way they can think of to get at the humans. It's okay to camp with this. But don't be to shy to shoot the vehicles located across from it. They won't, cause an explosion or anything of that matter.
    6 Frag Grenades
    Although I originaly planned on having only firebomb grenades on Death's Door, I fealt frag grenades necessary. I don't know why, I just did. Frags have a large blast radius, they are great for spamming. Frags will help you out a lot in the last fight at the purple light, I can tell you that much.
    8 Firebomb Grenades
    With all the things burnable on Death's Door, who couldn't resist sticking all eight of these around the map! Me, that's who. Burning pallets, and zombies alike couldn't get any better than this!​

    No updates or changes have been made to this map. Be the first kid on your block to criticise Death's Door, and inform me of any changes or additions I can make to Death's Door in order to make it the best I can.











    I would like to thanks everybody who helped me test Death's Door out. Especially Silent OO Death for his countless appearances in the testing sessions for Death's Door. Without you Silent OO Death, Death's Door wouldn't be what it is today! You gave me so many helpfull pointers! Fluffy Player, InnerSandman15, thanks you guys. And Public Servant! Although you only joined to check the map out before leaving, I'm glad you were there! Although I didn't recieve an opinion on the map from you, because you started out as a zombie. You still rock! Woot! Thanks everybody!​
    #1 Conkerkid11, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
  2. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Wow I read almost that whole post. I never played Help's on the Way but this sounds pretty cool. Kind of like an Omega Journey or something but with a twist to it. The idea is very well put together. The merging and geomerging is very well constructed. There's nothing to speak of architecturally, but the aesthetics are still nice

    (also, I've been trying to find out how to geomerge in the crypt for a long time for one of my maps. Can you tell me how?)

    Edit: I copied it to my file share to download tomorrow, so I might give a better critique then if I can find enough people to play it with. Or maybe I can friend request you and we can try it out.
    #2 Drummerguy360, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  3. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    lol I know you said it in there but it draws so much on "helps on the way" which I think is a good thing. Have you already talked to the creator of Manifest? It still looks great and I think I will download. :) nice job

    Ok first you need to play manifest, helps on the way. Its one of the best infection maps I've ever played! Geomerging on the crypt is the same as anywhere else on any other map I actually find it much easier with most items.
    #3 Dak393, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Hm, nice to see a remake of, "Helps on the way, right?" Thi\is map generally has all the same concepts, and themes, like team work so I won't really go into that subject. The aesthetics that the map has to offer, look very smooth, especially the geomerged proportions of it.
    #4 Rifte, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Well... Use to love playing "The way, Right?" With my friends and this look like a great version of it on Sandbox. I love how you kept the same idea going, yet you changed how the map looks, except for the beginning (I love that part... ^^) I really dont have anything to complain about because the forging looks great. Im going to download this, get some friend and play it for like 2 hours! Great job.
  6. TraiiT

    TraiiT Ancient
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    Lol, i think i was playing this map with you on xbl a little earlier ago... Very nice map and i'm downloading it right now.
  7. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    I have some suggestions, I did a pretty detailed forge through, I'm pretty sure you have some items left over, i would use them to raise the barriers so you can't see into other areas, This map is pretty open, and it kind of ruins the illusion that youre escaping from a city when i can see the roof, 100 yards up. Also you might want to put where the zombies spawn on top of roofs of buildings. In Manifest, you couldn't see the zombies appear out of thin air, it was like they were coming in from different parts of the cities. Also you know when the humans exit the starting point, and can see the area with the scorpions? I broke it by moving the pallets leaning against the wall and jumping out, I was using the game-type you provided. Also you can double jump off someone's head, is this the same exact game-type as the one in Manifest? I'm low on space so it would be better if i had one game-type. Also put a few stickys on this map, there fun and usually the stuck zombie lunges towards you causing you to damage yourself. One more thing, is the last section the one in the last picture? I couldn't get any farther. I would really suggest moving that teleporter on top of the building thats in the corner very close to it.hope that helped
  8. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    wow SUPER long post of awesomeness! lol. This looks really good and reminds me of the map with the same concept that was featured lol... great job on it =) 5/5!
  9. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    And I love how long of posts you put on my map threads! Thanks for all the tips and stuff, but this time I haven't hit the item limit, I have hit the budget limit. The rooftops idea, however great it seems, isn't. There are sections in the map that are cut off from the rest of the map, so if a zombie were to slip and fall, he could be trapped forever. You reach the end that is labeled by the purple light the same way you progress from the first abandoned home. Just wait for the warthog to spawn and you'll be on your way. I understand the humans can easily break the map, but I simply cannot just go in and edit the map so all the barriers are higher. So instead I assume the zombies can keep the humans under attack long enough for the humans not to break the map. It's kind of like an honor rule, but not.

    By the way, it is recommended you use the gametype provided, otherwise a few things that I will list below might not be correct:
    • The grindnaut will be overpowered
    • The zombies will not be able to jump over the barriers, thus leaving them stuck at the starting point
    • The rounds won't last long enough to reach the end
    • Other very screwed up things will happen
    Edit: AceOfSpades, I cought you! How dare you rate my map low and ditch! Sorry guys, I'm irritated.
    #9 Conkerkid11, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  10. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Looks very exact from what i remember and I loved playing helps on the way so i bet im goign to enjoy this map. I really like the aesthetics and the precise forging it makes the map all the much better. Next time you plan on playing this send me an invite id love to try.
  11. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Okay, after playing, I've come to a conclusion. The zombies are way too slow, and the 2 pistols inside the starting spot make it the best camping spot in the entire level, because it is one shot one kill. Even though there is a teleporter that leads into the room, another survivor could just camp behind it and wait for the zombie to come through. I recommend turning off headshot, making the zombie faster or stronger, or having kill balls spawn in the starting room. Also, me and my friends were able to jump over the walls leading to the final part with the rocket launcher, and get back. Furthermore, I sometimes get trapped by the door that opens, which ruins it for everyone because they can't kill me, but I can kill them. It's weird, I don't get it, but it happens. Those of course were the improvable parts of the map and gametype. Everything else I found very fun, sometimes I can use the tank and splatter zombies.

    Overall, not a bad map, but the little glitches should be improved. 3.5/5
  12. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    You claim that you have played my map, but from what I see in your recent custom games, the only possible games that could be on my map were with three people. My map description clearly states that in order to get the correct gameplay experience, you must play with a minimum of five people. The zombies are not to slow, you are just used to zombies being fast. Don't you remember how zombies used to be? Slow, and a one shot kill to the head. That's exactly what this is. They are just fast enough to be able to hop walls. For you and your party the starting room was only a good place to camp because you only had to face one zombie! So there's your problem. By the way, how long do you think two magnums are going to last between two people? You can't survive in the starting room for long considering the zombies have two ways to enter. Notice how I said zombies, you only had to face one zombie. You cannot write a correct review without playing a correct game. It is not one shot one kill, it is one headshot with either a magnum or battle rifle, one kill. If I turned headshots off, the zombies wouldn't die, and would be invincible. I understand that you can get from the end to the beginning. And that's not a bad thing either, I have allowed you to do that. That's not a glitch. And last but not least, I can't fix the starting door, I have done my best on it. You cannot rate my map down for a glitch in the game itself. That's not fair! If it's a glitch in the game, and not on my map, there is no reason for this bad rating.

    By the way, if you want to get good reputation on Forgehub, don't give ratings in the decimals. Everybody hates it, just round it to the closest number, and if you don't know how, I'll give you a hint. If it's .5, round to the highest whole number. Quit giving out ratings based on one game you played with an incorrect amount of people to.

    You see guys, I take criticism well. But when it comes to these new people joining and handing out criticism, I'm not going to go back and try to fix a glitch that's in the game. I'm not going to fix something you think is wrong from looking at the pictures. I'm not going to fix spawns that aren't broken. And I'm sure as hell not going to go back and make the zombies overpowered.
    #12 Conkerkid11, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  13. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    This map is a tasty morsel of infection. Its a watch your back type game that works really well because you never really can watch your back for long enough. This is the essence really of what makes a good infection map. The not knowing is the best part. All together after everything 8 1/2 out of 10. BTW Connerkid thats the highest score i could give a map thats not an instant classic.
  14. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Thanks Silent! I wish I had remembered to thank you in the credits for the YouTube video! You were the greatest thing that happened to Death's Door since sliced bread. Lulz!

    Anyways gaiz, I just used up the remaining Bungie Minutes for the Beta to create a video for this map! I know it's not great, but it gives you a feel for the map that the pictures never will.

  15. holicious

    holicious Ancient
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    This looks pretty good, I only played Helps on the way right? a couple times. 5/5
  16. Jamdo64

    Jamdo64 Ancient
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    Looks so fun!!!
  17. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Great map and idea. I really like your design of the map...just wish it could be bigger, like city streets. You should do that. Anyways, this map is really good looking and I look forward to playing it with my friends this weekend...yes, I downloaded. Great work man.
  18. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Ugh... this map. As appealing as I originally found this map to be when viewing the screenshots, I can't say the same about gameplay. Here's why...

    First off, the map reminded me too much of Manifest to be so original. The starting room looks so similar to its Foundry counterpart that I have to take off points for originality there. I'm glad to see that the rest of the pathway was more varied from it though. However, you also kept the pallet with weapons in the corner from the original (8th screenshot) and the advancement to the final room is accomplished from the delayed spawn of an overturned warthog (12th screenshot), just like in Manifest.

    As far as the map is concerned, there is some heavy confusion. Although the pathway you must follow is somewhat clearly defined, humans can easily stray from the intended pathway and break into the area with the parked vehicles and explosives with a simple stacked jump. What's more of a concern is the situation of the zombie. If the humans are confused than the zombies are definately going to have an even harder time figuring out where to go. Luckily I'm a smart player, otherwise no one in the game would've known what to do.

    The gametype was fine and is very close to "Help's" from Manifest. It's built for the map, as it should be. However, take off the -5 for the last man standing, that's honestly pointless as far as scoring is concerned. Plus, shield recharge for the remade Grindnaut just completely makes him an overpowered player in this game. Take out the health regeneartion for the custom powerup altogether.

    Being the first remake of Manifest I've come across, I'll allow a significant margin for errors and bugs. But as a fix for this map, I would work on two main things. The first would be to better define the pathway that the humans must take. The second would be to make the changes to the gametype that I mentioned above.

    I still can't actually "rate" this map yet, because I'd like to see a second version before I do so.
  19. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    The map looks pretty good I just don't like the game play so I give it a 4/5.

    Conker EVO

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