Sandbox High Life

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by I NBK Xen I, May 9, 2009.

  1. I NBK Xen I

    I NBK Xen I Ancient
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    Team NBK Presents
    High Life



    High in the skies of Sandbox, this arrangement of sandy structures assembles a area of symmetrical land. Perfect for skirmishes and slayer types, the huge arena is bound to keep you on your toes, as long as your awareness of the ground is good.

    Creator's Notes

    This map took us about 12 to 14 hours to make. A lot of testing has been put into this. Good gametypes are Team Slayer or Neutral Assualt. As far as we know, most gametypes work. Be advised, not all of them work, but most of them do. This is our first publicised map, so please don't slaughter us. =)

    Weapon and Equipment Layouts

    4X Battle Rifles
    1X Spartan laser
    2X Shotguns
    1X Gravity Hammer
    2X Sniper Rifles
    2X Convent Carbines
    4X Spikers
    4X Maulers
    2X Plasma Pistols
    2X Missile pods
    4X Plasma Rifles
    2X Needlers
    2X Bubble shield
    2X Frag grenades
    2X Regenerators

    Pictures Of High Life



    Red Base


    Blue Base




    Catwalk (Same on Both Sides)


    Sniper Tower Interior (Same on Both Sides)


    Sniper Tower Exterior (Same on Both Sides)


    Bunker (Same on Both Sides)


    Action Shots





    Shotgun Duel


    Smacked In The Face (With Guest Appearance from Double Grenade)


    Jumping Lasers


    Regenerator Punch


    Close Encounters


    Talk About Screwed



    Xenoliath (That's Me), XxDJ Atomica xX, I NBK ScOpEz I and Fire monkey08, for making the map.
    Afgan Bunny and BulletWolf93 for advice.
    Plus thanks to all of our testers.

    Version 2 Coming Soon. Please give feedback so we can improve the map in various ways. One of our plans is making it so it's harder to fall off.

    Thanks for reading.

    Download High Life
  2. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    a laser, two missile pods, two needlers...seems a bit overpowering, maybe balancing the weapons out a little would help, and I'm not sure if the map is big enough for two banshees. other than that, the map looks like it would play fairly well (the central bridge and mancannons remind me of narrows). looks good for team...anything, really.

    P.S. First!
    #2 Eculc, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  3. I NBK Xen I

    I NBK Xen I Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, we'll tune down the power in V2.
  4. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Well This is a very impressive first post(assumed). Its fairly smooth however you could interlock a few boxes to get rid of some cracks that nades fall through. One other thing is that your catwalk is vary narrow with no cover. I would adjust one of those two thing since no cover and no room to maneuver is an awful combo. Especialy when banshees are present that could easily splatter those who chose the high rode. You also failed to mention the missile pod in your weapons list. However the layout is great and original and looks very fun. You have my DL

    Edit: I would also sink the wood bridges in the catwalk into the double boxes for a smoother walk. Also with a spartan laser present the missile pods are a bit much try to have a plasma pistol, energy drain, or a few plasma nades. Your sniper towers also have only one way in so in these circumstances I would recommend fusion coils inside.

    I also dont think 4 maulers are necessary with two shotguns already present and you might want to put the snipe outside the actual tower. In most maps snipers are never put anywhere you don't have to walk a little to use them. I would stick it somewhere near the banshee maybe.
    #4 Canadians360, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  5. I NBK Xen I

    I NBK Xen I Ancient
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    We will take your comments into consideration. We are planning a more covered catwalk at a lower level next time.

    EDIT: The Missile Pods are on the list.
    #5 I NBK Xen I, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  6. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    This map is pretty cool. If I might have but one complaint, it would be that the whole level is linear and team-based (if that can even be a bad thing). On a 2 team gametype, it looks like an epic level. On a standard slayer match, not so epic. Either way, good forging and forge on!
  7. Pflugerchill

    Pflugerchill Ancient
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    Excelent design. I really like the multilevel combat possibilities. A few things which i can see as possible problems would be the banshees and the sniper. Some people don't like pictures taken in forge, but i prefer to see the spawn points, so good work on that. As I said, I believe that the banshee would be able to absolutely dominate on this map in much the same way as warthogs dominate on standoff. If one team controls the laser, the other team will not be able to use their banshee and will be under fire from the banshee of the other team as soon as they spawn. Additionally, the snipers have a clear view of the whole map while being isolated from the flow of the game. In the hands of a decent sniper, the other team would have little chance because most spawns are within the sight lines of the sniper. To fix these problems, I suggest adding a spawn point or two next to each missile pod tocounter the banshees while adding more cover to existing spawn points. Also, it would not hurt to cut down the snipers sightlines a little, maybe so it can only see half of the opponents base. This might not be possible due to object limits and such, but if you can this map would be even better. Like I said, great map and keep up the unique layouts, they add so much to this map.
    #7 Pflugerchill, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  8. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    looks like a very nice ts skybox map! I will surely dl this later for some custom games tonight. How powerful are the banshees on this map? Every skybox map ive seen with banshees they dominate!
  9. I NBK Xen I

    I NBK Xen I Ancient
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    Powerful, but a sticky will stop them in their tracks. Or my favourite, a Plasma Pistol shot.
  10. DJNebula

    DJNebula Ancient
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    We're working on a version two now. The Sniper has been fixed and we're working on everything else!
  11. I NBK Xen I

    I NBK Xen I Ancient
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    We are also giving the catwalks cover, and going in a new base design; similar to the original, but you've got less chance of getting camped.
  12. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    I like the layout of the map, and the design concept behind it. I would suggest some cover of the catwalks and toning down the weapons a bit. I think I'll wait until the V2 to download but I still think the map is good!
  13. I NBK Xen I

    I NBK Xen I Ancient
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    Those fixes are coming in High Life Version 2, as explained by previous posts.

    We are also gonna possibly remove the Banshees. Depends how much of a problem they cause for players.

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