I know many geomerge-issue topic have been made for Sandbox, but personally I have no geomerging issues, I know how to and such. Oh, wait, I had no geomerging issues. I made some perfect (best I ever did, really. Lots of geomerging, perfect walkway, only very slight bumps) ground-geomerges, saved and quitted, and now that I come back to my map, the objects are above-ground again. All of them. They're still interlocked, and at the same place they were geomerged, they just... Aren't geomerged anymore. They were geomerged at the height of a flat block on it's side (same height of a small block), so that you could just jump on them (to prevent having to jump on something else first). I know I saved and quitted, because geomerging wasn't the only thing I did that session - everything else I placed is still there. Any help? Explanation/ways to undo?
The only idea I would have is to interlock another immovable object like a weapon holder or something into your walkway to see if that would keep it from moving, but then again i've had problems with interlocking on sandbox. Hope this helped
Alright, I have two questions that I need you to answer before I can really help you. First, What were you geomerging and how was it being used in the map (i.e. walkway, aesthetics, etc.)? Second, Were you by chance geomerging the blue dot of the object through the floor? P.S. I am assuming you are on the Crypt. If not, please say which layer you are on.
The teardrop can't go outside the boundaries of the map. On Foundry, the boundary was a bit beyond the floor, but in the Crypt its right at the floor. Just flip the things so the teardrop is still visible.
oh thats cool, i didnt know that... i got under the crypt yesterday accidently but i got killed. it looked all grey and stuff
Yeah, I am on the crypt, that's why I have "- Crypt" in my topic title. I was merging a Double Block and a Corner Tube, but yeah, with the dot under the floor. I'll flip 'em upside down, this is very handy information. You have my thanks. Thanks go to you too, for the more concrete side of the answer.
Ah, and there would be why my geomerging has only had a 50-50 chance of working in the crypt. I had been confused about this and was simply told "geomerging works in the crypt" (not very helpful). Good information. Thanks guys.