Camaro By c h r i s 1o Best with 2-4 players, BR/Snipes DOWNLOAD: : Halo 3 File Details Yes, its the name of a car. Second map after: People told me to try a slayer map instead, so here it is: Theres not really a lot to say about it, from experience, works best 2v2 with snipe/br starts. Only works with slayer varients, others are not playable/wouldnt play well. The weapons are kept to a minimum, theres: 1 sniper 1 brute 1 mauler Several br/carbines 1 oversheild Not a fan of short range weapons, and apart from the sniper I didnt want anythin to over powering. Pictures speak alot loader than words, so here is a few more pictures And your action shots DOWNLOAD: : Halo 3 File Details Enjoy!
Wow that looks like a great asymmetrical map. Nice merging and I like the half-wall aesthetics. However, I do suggest that you add just a little more cover. It looks pretty good already, but there are many places that I think are too open. I also think the placement of the lights can be better. They don't look good while seeing them I would consider merging them in the corner of a box.
Fail post is fail. The map does NOT need more cover. Quit saying that people. I actually think the map has the perfect amount of cover. The changes in elevation you have IS the cover. The only thing that I can suggest right off the bat is to construct a path where I drew the line below. One pathway can affect gameplay a lot. Spoiler And what weapons are on the map? A weapons list on your posts is always helpful to one looking at the post. And don't interlock the lights into the side of a box. They look great where they are and I don't want the be staring at a bright light when I'm looking straight forward. EDIT* Invite me to a game sometime. My GT is the same as my username. EDIT 2* That seems like a good weapon set. Nothing completely overpowering.
Thanks alot. Good suggestion on the ramp, could actually see it working well. The weapons are kept to a minimum, theres: 1 sniper 1 brute 1 mauler Several br/carbines Not a fan of short range weapons, and apart from the sniper I didnt want anythin to over powering. Ill be sure to send you an invite next time im on, wont be untill tomorrow though.
I like this a lot, but as spades said you need to have a better way to get around in that area. Otherwise, it would be a big loop where teammates couldn't really support each other and only have one line of sight on the bottom level. It's got a nice amount of cover, and I really like the shape of the map. It seems like a lot of fun for slayer, just to clarify is it good for team slayer or just FFA? It is asymmetrical so balance could pose a problem for team games. Overall I think you did a great job, keep it up.
This looks like a lot of fun on doubles. For a Skybubble map, the layout is very well thought out. Good job.
I thought it worked better for doubles than FFA to be onest, I prefer asymmetric maps, hence the reason I built it Ill have a look at the cover, thanks for the comment Thanks man.
Ya I would appreciate it as well as others if you'd edit your first post to include the weapons list. I would also add the oversheild and I think you have a como but it may just be blue light reflection but just a request. On to the map. This is probably the best 2v2 skybuble map ive seen so far not kidding. It reminds me of gaurdian a little and for those who still dont think there is conver, there is. Gaurd rails are good because if your shooting someone they just duck. Besides I will compare this to gaurdian who's bases are covered but that is due to the fact the bases are ground level. On this map height diffrences are just as good at cutting lines of sight as walls. Again geat job.
This map looks great, and also looks like it would have a similar feel as lockout and all of those remakes. Even though it looks great, I do suggest that you add more cover just as someone else said in an earlier post, and also, if you have the money, to border up the remaining pathways so it is harder to fall off.