Enclosure v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Cr0ok3d, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    -Primarily Multi-Flag CTF
    --Created by Me, Cr0ok3d, with some help from Gravedigger5454.


    Enclosure v2 you may be saying, "Where is version one?" Well I was going to release v1 but after a lot of testing I had to fix a lot of things, spawns, weapon placement, ammo, etc... Well this is my final version and my first completed map.

    A few years ago, this was a flurishing construction site. Fujikawa-Shaw engines were being mass-produced for light-speed travel to get around quicker than ever in 2525. Now, in 2553 it is left desolated. The unexpected shutdown of the installation triggered a failsafe protocol and left everything in prestine condition. Located in the city of Voi, the building site became abandoned on account of Masterchief destroying all anti-air Covenant defenses so that Hood can lead the last of Earth's ships against the Prophet.

    Weapon Count
    2x Sniper (8 shots)
    1x Rocket (2 shots)
    4x Battle Rifle
    2x Assault Rifle
    1x Shotgun
    2x Spiker (4 but for dualing)
    2x Mauler
    4x Spike Grenade
    4x Sticky Grenade
    2x Frag Grenade
    2x Regenerator
    1x Power Drain

    The Map
    Enclosure is a small symmetrical mutli-flag ctf map. It also works well for slayer and other gametypes. I am creating a king of the hill and territories as we speak so they are playable. In the center is a cage. It the main place where action occurs. It holds a shotgun and a few stickies. I loved the idea when it came to mind of a cage and tried to make it as playable as possible. When I first joined a posted a picture of what I had built and wanted feedback. It looked like so:

    Barren with nothing around or anything. No interlocking, roof, or anything. I had no clue how to forge yet.

    Now I went back and interlocked all of the pieces and smoothed out the edges. Around this cage I have two sniper bases, one for each team. In each of them they hold one sniper, a battle rifle, regenerator, and two spikers (for dualing). Where the flag is stationed I have a little different setup. Some cover, a mauler, assault rifle, and a few frags. These are to defend. Each side also has a mongoose located in the open single-box in the back corner. Use these to your advantage!

    What the map looks like NOW!










    Now that I look at these. The screenshots are a little small I will try to get the bigger. In the meantime please download and check it out! Feedback is appreciated!
  2. whitelime

    whitelime Ancient
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    the first version didn't look that great so thats why we update. From the pics this one looks alot better. it looks like it could work realy well. I especially like how you interlocked the bridge with the floor it just gives it that extra smooth touch. wondering how many people is it suited for and i like that you incorporated vehicles. looks interesting, once i get my xbox back i'll d/l and have a closer look (RRoD)
  3. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    I would say 4v4+ for ctf/2v2+team slayer and 2-8 for FFA.
  4. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    very cool. It looks like it changed A LOT since that original picture lol.
    Also, it was a nice touch to merge that bridge into the ground in your second to last picture..
    Il download and say what i think.
  5. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks a lot! That means a lot to me for my first map!
  6. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    I really enjoyed playing on this map. Nice layout very well done with all the interlocking. Just I have a problem with it. When I was playing there was no real reason to go to the middle furthest away from the Spawns. There really is nothing there besides a power drainer. I am happy you reduced the sniper shots to 8 instead of 12. With two sniper rifles on the field there should be plenty to go around.
  7. xI elusiv Ix

    xI elusiv Ix Ancient
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    Pretty sweet map. I played on it with you probably the most out of anyone. Love the way you interlocked everything together.
  8. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    There is rockets right there. That is the main power weapon for stopping the mongoose and/or flag carrier. Maybe you never saw those there since someone had them or something. Also under the bases by there is a BR and a regenerator which can come in handy. These are on the same side you are talking about. Also, the snipers are there. So pretty much all of the power weapons are on the side. It is just a matter of what you think counts for the game.
  9. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Well the rockets where directly outside of the main halls. I am talking about where the trucks are. I personally never saw anybody really use the mongoose or the outside, lack of cover really makes it hard to traverse when there is a sniper talking over looking the whole lane.
  10. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    I don't think anybody knew the mongoose was there. I should have mentioned it because that would have brought a different aspect of gameplay to the map. I used the middle between the snipers all the time and didn't have any trouble getting through. The semi's give some cover and you can crouch jump right over and hide behind the next if you are that cautious.
  11. buff jack

    buff jack Ancient
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    looks fine but you probley just make fun of my rank.
  12. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Kind of unnescessary. I never made fun of your rank. You told someone that you were better than them because you were higher rank. I told you not to talk because of your rank.
  13. buff jack

    buff jack Ancient
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    i never made fun of some one's rank i was just chating when you start telling me off .
  14. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    I in no way "told you off". Now if you want to complain to me about something I said could you please do it in a PM or something so it is not spamming my map post. Thank you.
  15. xI elusiv Ix

    xI elusiv Ix Ancient
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    Do you want to go play Enclosure with me and some our friends right now? They all just got the DLC maps, so we can finally play with them.
  16. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Later tonight I will be on Travery. We can play then.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i am glad you finally posted this it was a blast to test out and is very balanced if anybody is doubting this map don't
  18. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, thank you! Didn't expect that.
  19. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Wow, looks pretty good for your first try.
  20. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea, it took me so long to make it because I kept learning how to do things, like interlock after I had already made most of the map. So I had to go back and fix everything like 3 times.

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