Just a couple pictures I took in my spare time. Expect some action shots in the near future from the TGIF. I can't really remember everyone who was there from the top of my head except for Phreakie, Insane54, Roche, myself, and sarcasticmonkey. If I missed you, just let me know and I'll add you in! Needler on the left lookin' pretty fly I know that I'm the one holding the pistol and Insane is the light green one. Again, feel free to identify yourself.
You know what the really funny part about this is? I was in this party for about two games I believe and I had to get off because you guys wanted to play mythics ( which I didn't have at the time ) Any way nice screenshot!! lolz
Yeah I remember. We really only went on Assembly and took the picture, and then we were pretty much done. You didn't miss too much. You should still invest in the maps though
I tried, but there was an invisible barrier only a couple feet out from the ledge, so I could only get about on or two people in a single screenshot. I'll try getting a screenshot from the hammer guy's POV and see how that goes
Aw man. I missed out... Next time, I'll try and get a few games in. I wasn't allowed to play that Friday, but I WILL be there, hopefully capturing another Tremor Betrayal Splatter. Right Insane? Lol
I'm the Steel and Rubine guy with the needler and the hammer on my back. But you didn't get the picture of me knocking everyone off with the hammer... The guy who took my hammer.
I was the one teal armour, yellow shoulder plates and the Beam Rifle ;D To get past that barrier there is a method; is it Pan Cam or something? We won't force you to do that though. But yeah, that TGIF was pretty awesome. I've got most of the game films saved and would happily get some screenies sometime soon, but I'm away for the weekend and have a couple of important exams very soon. I'll try later though... Meoooow!
Yay! I'm the one shooting the needler in the second pic and looking away in the first pic lol! The was definitely a good TGIF!