What I like to call the Crypt blueprint. I took this quite a while back, probably about a month ago, but saw this thread earlier and was reminded of the screenies. Not exactly screenshots with flashy effects, I know, but you don't necessarily need to have effects to take an interesting screenie.
ive done this before, how i did it was. Spawn a double block in the crypt, set it to spawn at start; no, 30 second respawn. started the new round and went to where the box would be. Stand in the area and when it spawns around u move forward a bit then right away turn into the moniter. That pushes u outta the map. From there just go into theater.
You could do it the way the guy above me said, but I did it slightly differently. I spawned a Turret as a guest, and then got on it. Used the guest to pick it up again, then pushed myself through the wall of the Crypt shaft. If you look closely in the second screenie you can see a blue explosion where the shaft would be. That's the monitor explosion as I went through. From there, as has been said, just go into Theater.
The grid actually goes about two squares outside of the walls... hmmm. You could use this to get good overviews of maps made in the Crypt.
let me guess, you went under the map by have a block spawn on top of you??? And thats not really a blue print
Well done Captain Obvious. Of course it's not actually a blueprint, but I went with the theme of it being blue, and the fact you could technically use it to plot stuff out in something like Photoshop, paint or even print it out and sketch over it, y'know? Also, no, I didn't go under the map by having a block spawn on me, maybe you should read my other post about how I did it? Yeah, thanks.