So I was playing cops and robbers with my friends and my friend kills me because I did something stupid so he goes up to my dead body, shoots my head and this happens:
lolwut? There we see the classic bounce of the sniper rifle. That guy was unlucky. *Request a move to Halo Screenshots.
I did that in Team Doubles. My partner and I were crouching over the player we just killed and then he either shot the body or punched it and some how killed me. Unfortunatly, I had not completely recovered from when the he had been shooting me before we killed him, so my team mate kill me by punching the enemy's corpse and the other team got a point for a kill from beyond the grave!
I've never played cops and robbers, so I can't tell if this is epic win or fail. Are the yellows supposed to be killed by the blues? If so: Epic.
Huh. I didn't know that forged walls could deflect sniper bullets. Nor did I know that dead bodies could refract them. Nice find.
It is a bit like roleplaying. The orange people are the robbers and the blue are the cops. Basically the cop is only supposed to attack the robbers if they do something bad. For this, the cop killed one of the robbers and then accidently killed another that was just watching. I think it's pretty funny.
Nicely done! Best I've ever gotten was playing Ghostbusters, firing randomly and getting an accidental headshot by deflecting off the ground. Man I wish I'd saved that clip... er back to that shot, so cool!
My friend kind of did this a couple times yesterday. We were playing team snipers and he tried to shoot one person but missed. His 'missed' shot head-shotted someone who had just spawned behind the guy my friend was trying to shoot. He did it twice in two different games too. It was pretty cool.
xD Then the screenshot is loaded with more epicness than I thought. Epic win, that is! And fail for the cop. He probably got fired.
fail at sniper coding on bungie's part i think, you should probably ask a moderator to move to screenshots.