Map: Colosseum Game type: T Gladiators Welcome to the Beta Version of my newest mini game "Colosseum"! Colosseum pits two rival gladiator teams against one another in intense close quarters combat. Each player starts with a sword and hammer. In the main spawn area there are a few weapons, spike grenades, and equipment for players to swap out before they enter battle. The gates to the main playing field remain closed until 30 seconds in to the game. This allows players time to select the weapons and equipment they want to use. When 30 seconds hits, the gates will open and the fighting will begin. Each player only has one life. There are 3 rounds in a game. Score is determined by a teams combined number of kills. Player stat changes: Damage Resistance : 500% Sield Recharge: 50% Gravity: 200% Starting Weapons: Sword/Hammer Weapons (Each Team): 8 Spike Grenades 2 Bubble Shields 2 Regenerators 2 Power Drain 2 Deployable Cover 1 Assault Rifle 1 Battle Rifle 1 Sniper Rifle 1 SMG 1 Plasma Rifle 1 Brute Shot 1 Turret Notes: This is only a beta version. I didn't spend alot of time on the asthetics of the map. I have made a previous version of this on foundry. In order for me to make a better version, I need feedback from playtests. If you would like to playtest with my just message me and send me a FR. Whenver i'm on we can try to play. If you test this out with friends, you can send me a message with feedback. Anything is greatly appreciated. PICS YES!!! Overview Blue Side Red Side Blue Gate Open Red Gate Open (with me) Base Looking In Base Looking Out Battlefield at Blood Level Thanks For Your Response
Nice. Can't wait to play on it. I don't have much friends that play halo 3, but if you want to play we can.
It's an okay map. Umm, the interlocking does look smooth, but as it's a beta, and you want feedback I can really get into detail. - Make it more of a circle, double blocks makes it look like a octagon, or hexagon, etc. I suggest block large, or stand up the double blocks more so people can't get out. - The armory can be better, maybe you can lay columns on their sides to act as tables. - And a roof over the armories. - And as you said you'll add more aesthetics, great idea, I can't wait to see what will come in the original. So, other than that. I'll give a 7.5/10 for the beta
well i like how the map is shaped, but its kind of small. i think that you should add more to the map to make the gameplay better.
I saw a Coliseum yesterday and I liked that one much better than this because it had a much better design. It had stands and a more open center: what a real Coliseum would have.
Looks pretty awesome, and the gates look really sexy =D But anyway, this looks really good - For me normal slayer maps just get boring after a while, so this looks pretty fun =) I'll give it a DL, keep forgin
Yeah but it's way too small to be that enclosed.If you want to add that stuff, i recommend redoing the map, but bigger.
This is a cool 1v1 game. However It would be more interesting if you made a bunch of these and turned it into a team game. Like make a few colisiums and have one spawn for each team in each arena. Then put a time limit and the team with the most amount of kills wins. Just a suggestion
Looks nicely merged i think you should make the cover symetrical and try and get more of a rounded shape looks like a fun game this will be a download