Sandbox Bailout

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Moshin Joshn, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    Bailout andMLG Bailout

    Youtube Video
    Download Bailout
    Download MLG Bailout
    This map is something I have been working on for quite some time now. It took my a few hours to sketch up and many many more hours to forge. It was originally attempted on a stacked map but i ran out of budget. So i tried an unlimited budget map and ran out of items. But then i found an unlimited budget map with all original items still on.

    If anyone keeps up with the news they know about all the bailout money and so i decided that since i got to keep my original items and have an unlimited budget to call it bailout.

    This has been Testers Guild tested and all the complaints i have gotten in the many games i have played on it have been fixed. I am open to any critiques you may have so please comment.

    But to the important things...

    4-12 Players

    Bailout is set for Slayer, Team Slayer(up to 6 teams), CTF, Assault, KOTH, and Oddball

    MLG Bailout is set for all MLG Gametypes including MLG TS, MLG Ball, MLG CTF (works best with Narrows rules), and MLG King

    MLG Bailout:
    BR x 8
    Carbine x 2
    Sniper x 2
    Mauler x 2
    Plasma Nade x 8
    Frag Nade x 4

    All of the above plus:
    Spiker x 2
    SMG x 2
    Plasma Pistol x 2
    Power Drain x 2
    Bubble Shield x 2


    Here is the overall layout. Notige the multiple levels at every section of the map for constantly changing dynamics.


    Here is the blue base. The red base is the same.


    This is the entire blue side. The two side platforms each have a ramp leading down to a tunnel.


    Here is the entrance to the tunnel. The right side will hold Mauler and the Left side will hold Sniper.


    Each side platform has a mancannon that shoots to the other side. Under these mancannons is where the tunnel exits. There are wooden ramps that lead back up to the side platforms.


    Here is top middle. The overshield and camo are locked in so noone can grab them.


    Here is bottom middle. There are 4 ramps leading down there. One for each side of the map.


    Action l= - - - - - - - > Shots




    The sniper was originally put down here so that it would not be able to dominate right when you grab it... But sometimes bitches gotta get owned.

    Well hope you enjoy. Please download and play and comment. Thanks
    #1 Moshin Joshn, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  2. GIANT95

    GIANT95 Ancient
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    Nice. 5/5 This reminds me of Narrows.
    #2 GIANT95, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  3. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    Well it does play a little like narrows because of the cannons but it is way more fast paced and the middle area isn't just lets everyone run up and shoot at the top.

    GATORSHOES2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map reminds me of a map on TUROK.
    I downloaded, the map is rather good, its worth the download.
    Good job.
  5. Chemical Wasp

    Chemical Wasp Ancient
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    Nice looking map original and cleanly merged well done 4/5 The layout of the map is also very well done I like how it dose resemble narrows
    #5 Chemical Wasp, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  6. Winterburner

    Winterburner Ancient
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    To me also, it is a bit evocative of Narrows which isn't bad thing, actually it's good. The weapons on the map are in a balance, the aesthetics are good and I guess it'll be as great gameplay-wise.
  7. X taco king X

    X taco king X Ancient
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    Ok now 1 thing i think about a lot of the new sandbox maps applies to this map. This map is so large (and well made) that you would need a good 10 people to have fun due to such a big area. thats my only complaint
  8. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    Well we tested it 3v3 and it was a 20 minute CTF game to 3 caps. It plays well all the way up to 5 people each team maybe more. We only tested to 5 people.
  9. Laxer

    Laxer Ancient
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    Hey man, I'm glad you made some improvements. I had a lot of fun testing it with you.

    Anyways this is an amazing map for 3v3 and plays extremely well for MLG Slayer and MLG Flag. The flow and gameplay of this map are very nice. This map really promotes competitive gameplay. Great map and I'll DL.

    PS - Picture 8, Blue guy. Thats me :O
  10. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    really awsome looking map, liek some other said it reminds me or Narrows, and i like Narrows. like X Taco King X said, it does seem to be a little big for a 4v4, but anways, i like the amount of layers, tahts pretty sweet how you pulled tht off. i like the mancannons for some reason, i guess jist the lay out. thats a pretty unique way the bases were set up also, all of it basiclly in a slope, well good job with the map, i cant exactually see any falws taht could be fixed beside the size just a little bit.
  11. Abutt

    Abutt Ancient
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    nice man looks interesting ill check it out cant wait to play on it.
  12. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    Thanks for the review laxer. And yes that is you. Unfortunately those three red people dont want a hug...
  13. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    Guys, youtube link now up!! Please feel free to check it out. Oh, and turn down your volume a bit. The sound went crazy high when uploaded to youtube
  14. Striker 29

    Striker 29 Ancient
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    You should try submitting this to ATLAS for Team Objective. Needs more 2-Flag, 2-Bomb, and Neutral Assault goodness. Team Slayer BRs would be good on this map, too, assuming the weapon layouts fit.
  15. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    holy crap dude i thought that you had my gamertag in your sig lol
  16. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    I played a couple games on this, and while I do like the layout, there were some problems with the map's flow. Particularly the lack of action/incentive in bottom mid. Pretty much no one went down there, and if they did, it was just for a second, and just moving down the ramp form top mid to recover shields, then back up again. Id recommend re-thinking the structure you have at bottom mid, and perhaps placing some incentive to get down there. IE Rockets, OS, or one central Sniper as opposed to one at each base.

    Just a suggestion
  17. Striker 29

    Striker 29 Ancient
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    Yeah, similar names huh!

    I agree with the above post, too. You could possibly also tighten up some areas where there is breaks in the blocks.
  18. Creative Minds

    Creative Minds Ancient
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    This map is really good amazing gameplay not to sure about mancannons my friends were put of by them but the map look neat the merging is smooth
  19. X taco king X

    X taco king X Ancient
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    Ok, so im back again with my next complaint. As said above the middle is undesirable, but my comment to this is that it is pretty much a death pit if someone is trying to walk to the other side in slayer BRs.
  20. da wite njnja22

    da wite njnja22 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    loos like a very good map and worth downloading, nice job.

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