Thanks a lot for the comments, everyone, and for the feature. It means a lot with all of the other fantastic maps out there. A very nice write-up, as well, Viscious Vice. It made me laugh. I would like to include a very special thanks to Toxic Spade, who consistently bugged me about making a racetrack until I finally broke down and starting working on this one. Thanks a ton, bro.
I played on this map before. I thought it was very smooth around the turns. Also the length of the track is very nicely done. Im sure there could be some really fun rocket race games on this map. I like how the track criss crosses over the other parts of the track.
Finally! A track that truly deserves a feature... it took forever, but atleast it happened. I hope more good features are to come; although I doubt it.
Great track. I really enjoy playing Battle Lasers on it. It's very smooth and great to drive on. Congratz on the feature. It deserves it.
Yeah, I thought this was well deserved. Its so smooth and clean and its big too. I think its the best track I ever played on. Good job and Gratz on the feature.
I knew this would get featured, I'm just surprised it took so long. =P It's just the perfect track, and definitely one of the best tracks I've ever seen. 'Grats on the feature.
Pretty good, but nowhere near as good as others I've played on. I'm not sure of their names so when I find out I'll update my post. Consider making the track longer and a bit crazier. It's just too simple for my liking. BUT, excellent job merging. I found no flaws. great angles--none too sharp, none too easy. Overall a great racetrack, but now my type of crazy, violent, bumper-car racetrack
To me, this is the best race track I've played. The aesthetics and gameplay are top notch, and when I first saw it, I was astounded. The twists and turns are incredible, I've never seen anything like it. This map also got me hooked on racing before I RRoD-ed, I wish I could play more it right now, but either way, great map and totally deserved its feature.
I think of this as a win.The roads are smooth and the twist are nice to drive on.I think this would be a good map with other people.This map ill download.This map should be featured.10/10.Its also not so hard and not so easy and if it is to hard or is to easy it can get boring.This map i rated great and hope its featured.:0)
I am glad this finally got featured. A great map. the turns are amazingly smooth and it is impossible to cheat. Well thought out.
Good Simple race track that is really fun to play big races on I found to many of the foundry race maps are more fall off the edge then racing I really like this map great work!
Very well-done. I wonder, has anybody else noticed that the race map on right now is very similar to this?