Sandbox Fear the pink mist

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Bourbon, May 8, 2009.

  1. Bourbon

    Bourbon Ancient
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    A few nights ago I was struck with inspiration after watching one of those Halo 3 "Jump" videos. I turned myself invincible, lowered the gravity a bit and was jumping around Epitaph a bit when I started to wonder: "How far does the explosion from a Needler send you?"

    Answer: Very.

    Meet the new Pink gametypes, featuring tons of Needler action, dizzying heights and plenty of carnage. Using the game's strangest weapon, you pump your opponents full of needles and watch them fly off into space. You'd better be watching your back though because at any given moment you could meet the same fate.

    Starting off the festivities is the Pink Pain gametype, a Slayer challenge where you try and knock your opponents off the narrow bridges of Sky Deck. Teams are recommended, as you'll need to chain several explosions to knock someone far enough, and it's easy if you all focus fire on them.


    -Needler, Infinite Ammo
    -Grenades, none

    On Map:
    -Gravity Hammer x1, 120 sec
    -Plasma Grenades x8
    -Custom Powerup* x2, 60 sec
    -Active Camouflage x2, 90 sec

    Player Traits:
    -Gravity 50%

    Custom Powerup Traits:
    -Movement 50%
    -Gravity 200%
    -Duration 60 seconds

    The Custom Powerup makes the player VERY difficult to knock off at the cost of speed. I had the speed regular but then the Gravity Hammer user was very annoying, so I made it slow them down so they couldn't be cheap assholes with it.

    Pink CTF has the exact same rules as Pink Pain, except that the Flag Carrier has the following traits:

    -Damage Resistance: 100%
    -Shield Recharge: 90%
    -Movement: 110%
    -Gravity: 100%

    So you can kill the Flag carrier with one Needler explosion, so it will be easy to stop them. This is where your teammates come in, you can take hits for your Flag carrier by acting as meat shields.






    Pink : Halo 3 File Details

    Pink : Halo 3 File Details

    Sky : Halo 3 File Details

    Pink Ninjas is a stealth based combat game. Players start with Good Camo, two Fragmentation Grenades, and of course a Needler. Every player has forced color Pink.

    Player Traits:
    -No Shields
    -Good Camo
    -125% Movement
    -50% Gravity
    -10 M Radar

    This gametype makes you feel so agile and free, I reccomend playing on maps like Epitaph and Guardian. They are smaller maps, but have a lot of cool places to run around and jump. Seriously, it sounds simple but it's a hell of a lot of fun.

    Custom Powerup Traits:
    -25 M Enhanced Radar
    -Duration 60 sec

    As it stands you can detect enemy ninjas within 10 meters of yourself, but with this powerup it is enhanced to 25 meters, AND you can see them when they're crawling or staying still. Very handy.

    Do you see that guy right in the center of this picture?

    I did!

    Hello? Anyone there?

    --OH ****

    Pink Dojo : Halo 3 File Details

    Pink : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Bourbon, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  2. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    to name your links, you type the thing you want it to be, highlight that, and press the world with a chain link, then paste the URL and it will be highlighted
  3. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
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    this acutually looks really good and i love the needlers but why does only 1 side get a custom power up?
  4. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Hm interesting gametype ive never tried it before so I can't say much. I will download and give it a try. Your map is very simple however if that is needed for the gametype ill let it slede. Hopefully this wil be fun it sounds interesting how many players would you recomend.
  5. Bourbon

    Bourbon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry, that was a picture taken during gameplay. It's perfectly symmetrical.

    @ Canadians360:

    I recommend teams of three or more. Most I had was six people playing (two teams of three) but that was on my prototype map. The Sky Deck map had to be very simplistic, I didn't want any edges that players could exploit to stop from flying off. I had a lot more stuff on there, and players basically kept their backs to the walls and stuff, making it very tedious.

    Really the map was thrown together in about an hour, it only has a few interlocked parts, very few doodads and decorations. Function > looks this time, sorry guys. The whole needler launching concept is what I'm really trying to market here a('A';)
    #5 Bourbon, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009

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