Sandbox Olypmus

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ehand88, May 8, 2009.

  1. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    High above this mythic world lies the temple of Olympus. Those who compete here are battling amongst the gods.

    So here is my second forgehub post, Olympus. It is a symmetrical map located in the skybox area of Sandbox. Three different levels provide for some intense gameplay, as well as aesthetic appeal. There are multiple paths to take and many different lines of sight. Some areas will lead you to close quarters combat, but there are also opportunities bring down your enemies from a distance.

    Team Slayer
    Capture the Flag
    King of the Hill

    Weapons (I will double check my respawn times and post soon)
    Battle Rifle - 6
    Carbine - 2
    Sniper - 1
    Shotgun - 1
    SMG - 2
    Spiker - 2
    Plasma pistol - 2

    Frag grenade - 4
    Plasma grenade - 8

    Power Drain - 1
    Bubble Shield - 1

    Overshields - 1

    Enough talk, I'll let you see for yourself.


    A view from red to blue

    Red side overview

    A view of the red side from the center of the map (overshield down the ramp)

    Grav lift tunnel to shotgun hall


    Shotgun hall to the right. Upper bridge to temple on the left.

    Middle area overview

    Temple elbow

    Inside the temple (sniper spawn)

    Dual smgs leading under the temple

    Tunnel under the temple (bubble shield) with mancannon lift to temple level

    Mancannon lift comes out from the tube in the top right

    Center of the map (power drain)

    Thanks for checking this out and please comment, rate, and post suggestions.

    Download Olympus Here
    #1 ehand88, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
  2. XxKrazeSniperxX

    XxKrazeSniperxX Ancient
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    dude this looks like a very good map well done ive downloaded and ill check it out later so far i give u a 3.5/5 keep up the forging
  3. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    Nice layout of weapons/equipment. I like the idea of the temple as well, the mancannons, and red base. The simple merging as well makes the map have a great Flag feel to it.


    Seems a little sloppy IMO. Many objects seem crooked, or out of place. And also IMO, a sniper on this map just doesn't fit with me. But don't listen to me, good map.
  4. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    this isn't really a symmetrical map...the bases are different. looks like if it was tweaked a bit, it would be a great 1-flag or single-bomb map.
  5. Next Wednesday

    Next Wednesday Ancient
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    Found a way out of your map. Check Screens:
    step 1:

    step 2:

    step 3:

    step 4:

    step 5:

    This exploit could probably be easily fixed, but as it stands, oddball is out.
    Nice clean forging, although the map has only 1 line of symmetry, it's still very nice with clean LoS and good spawns. 8/10.
    Keep up the good work.
  6. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    This map is symmetrical good sir. look at the first picture in the post. Now take you imaginary roflknife and cut it vertically. viola! symmetrical. Just not the way most people think of it. Looks like a good map. I like the greek inspired theme. Good work!
  7. S0Y SAUC3

    S0Y SAUC3 Ancient
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    Hey you did nice.All of it looks fun with the gameplays.It has balanced weapons also.Its pretty symmetrical.Like the other guy showed you with him getting out of the map it could be easily fixed.So thats about it.Keep forging.:0)
  8. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments and thanks to Next Wednesday for pointing out the escape points. I will fix that when I get done working. And btw I think the sniper fits pretty well because there is plenty of cover (so its not overpowered) but a good player can put it to use. More suggestions are welcome ;)
    edit: it only seems asymmetrical because of the starting points on capture the flag. All other starting points are pretty symmetrical in that sense.
    #8 ehand88, May 8, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  9. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    now this is a map that makes me want to go back onto sandbox.

    apart from the hiding spot, this looks pretty sweet, ill have to look closer at the map to give a full rating, but now its a solid 8/10
  10. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    Hey, my Valhalla map is named Olympus...

    But it's not about the mountain the gods lived on in Greek mythology, it's because in Metroid Prime 3, there are two named Spaceships, Valhalla and Olympus, so that's where I got the idea. But I digress...

    Great Slayer map, man! I never have any ideas for a Slayer map on Sandbox...

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