A tutorial for beginners made by me and Hells, just showing you what the basic elements of signature making and some methods on how to make them.
It's alright. Some of the examples were not right. The first example for focal has text as a split focal. But all in all, you guys did a good job. Hehe, <3 productions. Thilleh goothes.
Pretty good, except some of the examples, imo, weren't 'good' examples. For example, HR's example for 'depth' sig had no depth at all. The whole sig was sharpened. Also, Ice's text sig has horrible text. Not to mention both of the examples for 'flow' sigs had very little flow. Thats just my opinion though.
The text sigs were there to show how experimentation is supposed to work, I know my text wasn't that good.
Yeah, i didn't read the whole part. After reading i realized not all sigs were meant as examples. My bad.
I have to admit, I did learn a little bit from the focal section of this tutorial. I think I have a better overall idea of how to get this working. Very nice tutorial ice and hellz, this helped me alot and I am sure it will help other members throughout the site. And don't worry, I wont rip
That made me lol.. haha ♥ To be on topic.. its a very helpful Tutorial with vivid descriptions on some of the Basic aspects of Signature Creation.
this is very helpful, but i have one question do you need a certain program for this or is iphoto fine?
This definitely helped me with some aspects of Sig Making! I finally got through it all after school but never commented so thought I'd tell you my thoughts. But it was great. I look forward to more tuts by you guys.
iPhoto won't work too well lol. Search google for GIMP, then download that, its free. Or you could buy PS CS4.
I agree, the text HURTS my eyes!!! Also, video tutorial. NAO. It would be better if we had some more visual aid and some step-by-step things to do.
We might make another tutorial, it takes time and patience, so just keep your eye out for another on the way, we just need to find things that could be covered. I'll talk to Ice and see if she wants to do another.